A pedantic PhD student studying Neuro who thinks too much about extracellular vesicles and I also like to draw. 

Hello Hello

I'm a PhD student delving deep into the trenches of neurobiology and cellular communication (Extracellular vesicles) at MSU Baroda, India. But thankfully, there’s more to me than just pipettes and culture flasks!

Beyond the lab, you’ll often find me engrossed in thought-provoking discussions on scientific and feminist issues. As a passionate advocate for inclusivity in science communication, I dedicate much of my time to crafting engaging narratives that make science accessible to all.

Growing up in the vibrant world of art—thanks to my mum—I developed a profound love for sketching. From intricate pen drawings to vibrant watercolors, I’ve explored almost every artistic medium out there.

Although I deeply love my career in science, I've been a graphic designer for longer than I've been a researcher (14 years to be precise). I bring my mad love for avant-garde designs to the realm of science communication. Whether it's crafting visually stunning infographics or designing captivating posters for events—a task I especially enjoy as an ECM at Student Network on Extracellular Vesicles (SNEV) as their design team member. I’m committed to making science more inclusive through creative visuals.

But wait, there’s more to my interests. As a lowkey cinephile, I take delight in exploring cinematic gems, and I plan to curate a "Watchlist" for my fellow movie buffs here too.

Oh, and did I mention my penchant for crafting scientific memes? Yep, I find joy in blending humor with science to better convey ideas, thoughts, and feelings. If you had to describe me, I’d probably be the “this is fine” meme from Gunshow—keeping calm amidst the chaos, one scientific discovery at a time. So buckle up and join me on this exhilarating journey through the fascinating world of science, art, cinema while you get to know my otherwise very introverted self.