Become a Swadarshan Chakradhari to Enjoy Happiness (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations) 

This book titled "Become a Swadarshan Chakradhari to Enjoy Happiness (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)" was written by Brahma Kumari Pari.

This book was written based on the knowledge of the Brahma Kumaris, the author's experiences, etc.

This book, which was originally written in English, is being translated into various languages. 

Click on the links further down:

1. to see the Table of Contents and for information on the books.

2. to purchase the eBooks at Smashwords, Amazon, Google Play, etc. (for only US2.99). 

3. to buying the printed book through the author or at Amazon (for only US 12.99).

The following are the links for the English and translated books:

1. Click on the following link for details on the original English book titled: Become a Swadarshan Chakradhari to Enjoy Happiness (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)

Click here to see the cover and back cover of the book titled "Become a Swadarshan Chakradhari to Enjoy Happiness (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)" 

"सुख भोगने के लिए स्वदर्शन चक्रधारी बनो (स्पष्टीकरण के साथ ब्रह्माकुमारीज़ मुरली अंश शामिल हैं)" नामक पुस्तक के कवर और बैक कवर को देखने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें।

Click here to see the cover and back cover of the book titled "Become a Swadarshan Chakradhari to Enjoy Happiness (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)".  

3. Click on the following link for details on the translated Japanese book titled: 幸せを享受するためにスワダルシャン・チャクラダリになりましょう (ブラフマ・クマリス・ムルリ抽出物と説明付き)

幸せを享受するためにスワダルシャン・チャクラダリになりましょう (ブラフマ・クマリス・ムルリ抽出物と説明付き)」というタイトルの本の表紙と裏表紙を見るには、ここをクリックしてください。

Click here to see the cover and back cover of the book titled "Become a Swadarshan Chakradhari to Enjoy Happiness (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)". 
