Seneca Valley Girls’ Lacrosse Booster Bylaws
Purpose Statement:
The purpose of the Seneca Valley Girls’ Lacrosse Boosters (SVGLB) organization is to enhance and promote the girls’ lacrosse program within the Seneca Valley School District. The SVGLB will hold regular meetings during the year, sponsor special events, and raise funds in order to help and to recognize the achievements of the student players. These things will be accomplished within the standards and policies of the school district.
Members are defined as any parent or legal guardian of active players as well as any individuals who choose to support the Seneca Valley Girls’ Lacrosse Program. Members in good standing are defined as those members who qualify to have voting privileges as outlined in the Voting Privileges section.
Officers, Executive Board, and Executive Committee:
The officers shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Middle School Coordinator. The five officers shall comprise the executive committee. In the event any officer vacates an office in mid-term, a replacement shall be chosen at the next regular meeting by majority vote of the executive committee.
Selection of officers: Officers shall be elected at the May meeting. Nominations shall be taken from the floor and approved by members in good standing by a majority vote. The office of President shall be filled by a member in good standing who has been active at least one year prior to nomination.
Term of office: Officers shall serve a one-year term beginning June 1 and ending May 31, and may be elected to concurrent terms.
President’s function: To chair regular and special meetings in a fashion that is consistent with the purpose statement. To make appointments as necessary. To oversee and guide work of the other officers and committees. To serve as official liaison to the School Administration.
Vice-President’s function: To perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President as directed by the President.
Secretary’s function: To record and maintain the minutes of regular and special meetings including committee reports. To record attendance and to determine who is eligible to be a member in good standing. To draft correspondence as necessary. To notify members of scheduled meetings as directed by the President.
Treasurer’s function: To manage and maintain accurate records for the funds of the organization according to the guidelines set out in the section titled "Operation of the Treasury". To help prepare financial budgets and guidelines for upcoming years.
Middle School Coordinator: To coordinate the Middle School Girls’ Lacrosse program to insure it is staffed, funded, and operates properly.
Executive Board and At Large Board Members: The executive board shall consist of the executive committee and two other members in good standing. The two members shall be chosen in the same manner as the officers by nomination and approval, and shall serve the same term. The two members in good standing will assist the board with committees and special projects. The two members will be called At Large Board Members.
Changes to the Bylaws:
Bylaws may be changed after approval of a motion to amend or change and a reading of the amendment or change at two consecutive regular meetings followed by a vote for the amendment or change after the second reading.
Standing Committees:
The President is empowered to appoint members to standing committees as is necessary to conduct booster affairs. Committees may include, but is not limited to: Fundraising, Tournaments, Publicity, Special Events, Banquet, and Program.
Voting Privileges:
All members in good standing are extended voting privileges. New members are extended voting privileges after attending two consecutive regularly scheduled meetings and are current with their financial obligations. Voting privileges for January, February, and March meetings will also be given to new members who have a child who is new to the girls’ lacrosse program, and who are current with their financial obligations (dues). A spousal member, not in good standing, may cast one vote in the absence of their spouse who is a member in good standing. All members in good standing who miss three consecutive regularly scheduled meetings or are not current with their financial obligations shall lose their voting privileges and no longer classified as being members in good standing.
Operation of the Treasury:
The Treasurer is instructed to maintain all funds in a depository institution in the name of the Seneca Valley Girls’ Lacrosse Boosters at all times.
The President, Vice President and the Treasurer shall be authorized to sign disbursement checks. All disbursements of funds shall be by check requiring two of the three signatures.
The financial records shall be audited once per year by a member of the executive committee and a member in good standing.
All expenditures require pre-approval. Approval must be made in the form of a motion and entered into the minutes. The approval of the budget constitutes approval for line item expenses.
Emergency Clause: In the event disbursements of funds is necessary on an emergency basis before approval at a regular meeting, two members of the executive committee may pre-authorize such disbursement up to $250.00. This will be included as part of the Treasurer’s report at the next regular meeting. Email or telephone conversations can be used to vote a disbursement as long as it is documented.
Any single disbursement that exceeds $500.00 requires 2/3 approval of the executive board. The approval of the budget constitutes approval for any line item that exceeds this amount. Email or telephone conversations can be used to vote a disbursement as long as it is documented.
The Treasurer shall issue a hard copy budget report that is available for all those attending at each monthly regular meeting.
Because of the school district funding of the girls’ lacrosse Varsity and Junior Varsity, the SVGLB will keep separate budgets for the Varsity/JV and the Middle School Program. Separate checking accounts are not required.
Meeting Structure:
Meetings shall be conducted using Robert’s Rules of Order. In order for official action to be taken, a quorum consisting of two officers and a member in good standing must exist. Meetings shall be chaired by the President or a delegate of the President. Meetings shall proceed as follows:
Meeting called to order
Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting
Treasurer’s report
Review of correspondence
Committee reports
Middle School Report
Varsity/JV Report
Old and new business
Last Updated / Approved 10/2/2013