Page updates

All page updates that are made will show up here.

Date format= DD|MM|YYYY

22|08|2023 - Added subpage 'PC Specifications' to 'Home'

26|06|2023 - Changed the 'Page Footer' link 'Podvine' to 'YouTube Podcast'.

25|06|2023 - Made multiple changes and corrections to the whole site.

16|01|2023 - Added info for public email address and Tech Support discord account to 'Contact Me' page.

29|12|2022 - Added a new link to 'Page Footer' for my podcast over at Podvine.

12|12|2022 - Added info to Files and apps page . Made all pages Darker.

09|11|2022 - Added more info to About Me page and Contact Me page.

25|10|2022 - Added Discord server widget to Contact Me page.

09|10|2022 - Added Twitter feed to Home page.