About Me

Hi, I'm Svenw. I am from Estonia. I have been doing youtube and twitch for a long time. 

I started using YouTube when i was pretty young. When I started using youtube, i used it on a Linux laptop. It was (by my memory) a Lenovo ThinkPad T50. It was running a very old version of Ubuntu, until it got updated to a very uncommon linux distro. The linux distro was named Estobuntu. It is an estonian made ubuntu/linux distrobution. I personally didn't like the update, but had to live with it.

I also like to help people with their devices. I have been thinking of doing tech support on discord, and i have tried to do so, but with no activity on that. So if anyone needs some help with their device(s) then I am happy to help.

Picture of my Dog. His name is Semu.