Flyplass-turen v/Tarbena

Turen ligger mellom Tarbena og Castell de Castells litt øst for km 7 (km 6) like under en flyplass-stripe som ikke er i bruk lenger. I den nord-østlige enden av turen ligger grotten Cova de Dalt.

Parkering på sørsiden av hovedveien opp langs setervei (retning Xorta). Mens vi går bortover fine gårdsveier og blomstrende marker på nordsiden.

  • Rundtur via grotten Cova de Dalt. Lengde ca. 6 km (ca. 2 timer)
  • Via toppen Alts del Cocoll (ca. 3 timer)
  • Rundt på gårdsveiene (ca. 1 time)

Flere bilder og kart (klikk for full størrelse) HER

The Sa Cova de Dalt cave is located in the Bijauca area, just past Tàrbena, on the route to Castell de Castells. The cave dates from the neolithic period (new stone age) 4000-2500 BC. During excavations several references to habitation of the cave were found, such as arrowheads, pottery and animal remains. It is therefore assumed that the first inhabitants of this area used the cave as a residence.

The opening of the cave is large, 30 meters wide by 3-5 meters high. The cave itself consists of 1 large room that is 56 meters long and 25 meters wide and a small room. This small room is located on the right side of the cave, because it is not illuminated, you would almost overlook it and skip it. It is a shame because it is precisely this room that contains beautiful lime deposits on the walls. Tip, bring a flashlight.

The starting point of the walk (short route) is accessible via the road from Tàrbena to Castell de Castells. The parking space is on the right. From the parking lot runs a dirt road, this is deposited with a chain. The starting point of the route is to the right of the chain. The route is marked with stacked stones.Do not forget to enjoy the views when you are on top of the mountain!

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