Virtual Doctoral Tax Seminar

The Virtual Doctoral Tax Seminar is a research seminar for PhD students with an empirical focus on tax topics. Together with Henning Giese, I set up this format as a Brownbag Seminar in 2021 during Covid. We felt that the cancellation of in-person conferences and workshops hit - especially early stage -  PhD students who were lacking opportunities to meet fellow students and discuss their research with fellows.

The aim of our seminar series is to bring together PhD students from different fields who study tax-related topics. Students can submit papers and get the opportunity to present (early-stage) research to other PhD students and Post-Docs and get feedback. We also always devote time to networking in small break-out sessions. With our format, we want to strenghten the PhD community in taxation and keep up with the topics that we work on.

If you would like to participate in future sessions, please feel free to contact me and I will include you to our mailing list. 

Previous Brownbag / Seminar Sessions

3rd Virtual Doctoral Tax Seminar- 21 December 2022

2nd Virtual Doctoral Tax Brownbag - Summer Term 2022

1st Virtual Doctoral Tax Brownbag - Winter Term 2021/2022