
 Publications in Refereed Journals

Losses Never Sleep: The Effect of Tax Loss Offset on Stock Market Returns during Economic Crises

with Reinald Koch & Henning Giese

Journal of Business Economics 2023, 93(1-2), 59-109

We analyze to what extent more generous tax loss offset regulations are associated with a weaker decline and stronger recovery of firm stock prices during economic crises. We argue that an unrestricted loss carryforward and, particularly, an unrestricted loss carryback provides firms with additional liquidity, which should lower the risk of bankruptcy and can be used for investment purposes. Our empirical findings document that (1) an unrestricted loss carryforward and an unrestricted loss carryback result in a weaker decline and more timely recovery of stock prices during the considered crises, (2) this effect is stronger in high-tax countries, and (3) this effect is also dependent upon pre-crisis profitability. 

Avoiding Taxes: Banks’ Use of Internal Debt
with Franz Reiter & Dominika Langenmayr
International Tax and Public Finance 2021, 28(3), 717-745

This paper investigates how multinational banks use internal debt to shift profits to low-taxed affiliates. Using regulatory data on multinational banks headquartered in Germany, we show that banks use this tax avoidance channel more aggressively than non-financial multinationals do. We find that a ten percentage points higher corporate tax rate increases the internal net debt ratio by 5.7 percentage points, corresponding to a 20% increase at the mean. Our study also takes into account the existence of conduit entities, which simply pass through financial flows. If conduit entities are systematically located in low-tax countries, previous studies may have underestimated the extent of debt shifting. 

Tax Avoidance Using Hybrid Financial Instruments Among European Countries
British Tax Review 2020, Issue 2, 217-240

not publicly available

Die Besteuerung von Immobilien-Publikumsfonds nach dem InvStRefG - Eine steuerliche Vorteilhaftigkeitsanalyse
[The Taxation of Real Estate Mutual Funds under the Investment Tax Reform Act]

with Markus Gamm & Reinald Koch

Steuer und Wirtschaft (StuW) 2020, 97(4), 368-380

Wir untersuchen die Auswirkungen des InvStRefG auf die steuerliche Belastung von Immobilien-Publikumsfonds für natürliche Personen. Hierzu werden auf Basis einer mehrperiodigenSteuerbelastungsrechnung effektive Steuerbelastungen für einenprivaten Fondsanleger ermittelt und denen einer Direktinvestition in Immobilien gegenübergestellt. Es wird u.a. festgestellt, dassdie Fondsinvestition bei hohen Einkommensteuersätzen tendenziell vorteilhafter ist, die Haltedauer einen wesentlichen Einflussauf die Vorteilhaftigkeit hat und ein zunehmender Grad an Fremdfinanzierung die Direktinvestition vorteilhafter werden lässt.

[We examine how the Investment Tax Reform Act affects the tax burden of real estate fund investments. Based on a multi-period tax assessment, we calculate effective tax rates for individual investors holding their fund shares as a private asset and compare it to the effective tax rates of a direct investment in a real estate property. We find that the fund investment has advantages in particular in cases of very high income tax rates, whereas it is disadvantageous if debt financing is high.]

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Steuerliche Entlastungsmöglichkeiten für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen wegen der COVID-19-Pandemie – Kann das Steuersystem Solidarität in der Gesellschaft fördern?
[Tax Relief Opportunities for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises due to the COVID-19 Pandemic - Can the Tax System Promote Solidarity in Society?]

with Henning Giese, Benjamin Graßl & Philipp Krug

Deutsches Steuerrecht (DStR) 2020, 58(15-16), 752-760

not publicly available

Work in Progress

Towards Green Driving? - Income Tax Incentives for Plug-in Hybrids

with Henning Giese

Working Paper

Assessing the Impacts of Robot Taxation: Insights into Robot Installations and Employment in South Korean Firmsaxing the Robots - Implications for Corporations and Employees

with Anna-Sophie Braun, Reinald Koch & Dominika Langenmayr

Corporate Taxation and Firm Performance

with Dominika Langenmayr, Valeria Merlo & Georg Wamser

Tax Avoidance with Hybrid Financial Instruments

with Reinald Koch & Dominika Langenmayr