Social Work Theories, Models & Perspectives Renewable Assignments- SW585 Assessment of Client Systems

Think of social workers and clients as co-authors of a story to solve a problem. Through the process of assessment and goal setting, social workers help clients decide what they want the end of that story to be, as the story is being written.

About this assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to extend application of perspective, theory, and practice models to assessment of client systems. The students were tasked with demonstrating their understanding of a chosen theory, perspective or practice.

They picked their groups and which topic they wanted to research and create OER educational content. Topics were provided by the professor from a list of regularly used Theories, Practice Models and Perspectives. (Note this is, and will be for a while, "under construction". Not all options were chosen & not every Theory, Practice Model and Perspective was offered-No Attachment Theory-because this social work professor is TIRED of reading about Attachment Theory)

Student workgroups design a website as a renewable assignment with open access content utilizing a creative commons license.

Students then applied their theory, practice model or perspective to a chosen case study. They chose their own case studies from popular media, television, movies, books..etc.. and within their assessment had to descrive how theory/practice model/perspective informed that assessment including possibilties of how a different theory/practice model/perspective might also be helpful to guide assessment.

What is a renewable assignment?

To understand what is a renewable assignment, it is important to understand the difference between renewable assignments and traditional assignments.

Renewable assignments such as this one, l extend beyond the confines of the classroom to be shared in the "commons"- in this class, it is meant to be continuously under construction. Meaning students know, they are creating this website, and what they learned, will be then read by the next class of students who do this assignment, so they can learn from what they learned. That next class will then add content and revise the website for the next group...and so on...and so on...

Traditional assignments are assignments that are handed in, graded, and returned to the student without any other repurposing of that content.