What is Circular Economy?


As the world grapples with pressing challenges of resource depletion, environmental degradation, and the pursuit of sustainable development, the Circular Economy and Sustainability journal emerges as a pioneering platform that unites diverse scientific disciplines. By integrating the realms of economy, management, engineering, technology, environment, and society, this journal redefines the discourse on circular economy and sustainability. This article delves into the journal's unique approach, highlighting its significance in driving interdisciplinary collaboration and presenting a new paradigm for addressing global environmental and economic concerns. 


Car life cycle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Car_life_cycle.svg 

Let's dig deeper and unravel comprehensive insights. 

Breaking Down Silos for a Circular Future 

The Circular Economy and Sustainability journal pioneers an approach that acknowledges the interconnectedness of scientific domains. In an era where circular economy practices are essential for achieving sustainable development goals, it recognizes that economy, management, engineering, technology, environment, and society cannot be studied in isolation. Instead, their intricate relationships and synergies must be explored to unravel the complexities of modern challenges. 

A Multidimensional Framework 

This journal introduces an innovative multidimensional concept by considering circular economy and sustainability as interconnected and complementary. This framework offers a comprehensive understanding that spans various levels: 

Micro-level: At the firm-level engineering and managerial level, the journal delves into the operational strategies and innovations adopted by individual businesses to incorporate circular practices. 

Meso-level: Industrial ecology, industrial symbiosis, eco-clusters, and eco-industrial parks are explored. This level emphasizes the collaborative relationships among industries and the design of eco-friendly industrial ecosystems. 

Macro-level: General policies, plans, green entrepreneurship, and sustainable entrepreneurship are discussed. This level encompasses broader societal and governmental initiatives aimed at fostering circular economy and sustainability. 

Addressing a Growing Need 

The Circular Economy and Sustainability journal fills a crucial gap in the scholarly landscape by providing a dedicated platform for discussing circular economy and sustainability topics. Given the exponential growth of literature in these areas over the past five years, the journal stands as a beacon for scholars, researchers, and practitioners seeking a consolidated source of information and dialogue. 

A Broad Knowledge Base for Informed Solutions 

With its multidisciplinary approach, the journal offers a wealth of knowledge encompassing a wide array of disciplines and solutions. It bridges the gap between engineering, natural sciences, economics, management, and social sciences. This convergence of knowledge fosters innovative solutions that extend from technological advancements to economic, social, and environmental spheres within the context of circular economy and sustainability. 

Strengthening Nexus for Holistic Solutions 

The journal's call for a deeper dialogue between engineering, natural sciences, economics, management, and social sciences underscores the urgency of addressing circular economy and sustainability issues. By merging these domains, it lays the foundation for holistic solutions that tackle environmental, economic, and societal challenges in a coordinated manner. 

A Socially Inclusive Approach 

The Circular Economy and Sustainability journal recognizes that true progress must consider the human dimension. It calls for an in-depth study of the social aspects within circular economy practices. This approach acknowledges that human behavior, attitudes, and social acceptance play a pivotal role in the successful adoption of circular economy principles. 


As the Circular Economy and Sustainability journal pioneers an integrated, interdisciplinary approach, it catalyzes a shift in how we address the complex challenges of the modern world. By recognizing the interplay between economy, management, engineering, technology, environment, and society, this journal propels us toward a circular future where innovation, collaboration, and sustainability intertwine for the betterment of our planet and its inhabitants. 


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