Sussex County Code

Part 2, General Legislation

Sussex County Code - Part 2, General Legislation

Chapter 45 Architectural Accessibility

Chapter 52 Building Construction

Chapter 59 Emergency Reporting System Fund

Chapter 60 Dog Control

Chapter 62 Fees

Chapter 63 Firearms

Chapter 71 Housing Standards

Chapter 72 Housing Units, Moderately Priced; Rental Units, Affordably Priced

Chapter 73 Addressing and Street Naming

Chapter 80 Property Maintenance Code

Chapter 89 Source Water Protection

Chapter 90 Sediment Control and Stormwater Management

Chapter 91 Solid Waste

Chapter 95 Streetlighting

Chapter 96 Sussex Community Improvements

Chapter 99 Subdivision of Land

Chapter 103 Taxation

Chapter 110 Water and Sewers

Chapter 115 Zoning

Chapter 116 Enforcement of County Obligations