§ 99-7 Preliminary Confererence


§ 99-7 Preliminary conference.

A. Before the submission of a subdivision plat, the subdivider shall consult with the Commission's staff and other public agencies to ascertain the location of proposed major streets, highways, parks, playgrounds, school sites and other planned public improvements, and to determine the zoning regulations and other requirements relating to or affecting the proposed subdivision. The subdivider shall also consult with the County Engineer and, where applicable, the State Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control on matters relating to proposed facilities for sanitary sewage disposal, storm drainage and water supply intended to serve the proposed subdivision. The purpose of these consultations is to assist the subdivider by furnishing information and advice, in order to expedite matters for the subdivider, save him unnecessary expense and promote the best coordination between the plans of the subdivider and those of the county and other public agencies.

B. The Commission's staff may require a sketch of the property in question showing the proposed scheme for development of the property and other significant information.

C. If the Director determines that the proposed subdivision represents a minor subdivision of a parcel, existing as of the effective date of this amended provision, on a street other than a major arterial roadway, and if the Director determines that review by the Commission is not necessary or desirable, he may waive the requirement of preparing a preliminary plat and may authorize the preparation of a record plat for purposes of recordation. He may, however, request review assistance from other concerned agencies prior to authorizing preparation of the plat. Lots in any minor subdivision plat approved by the Director, without review by the Commission, shall have a minimum area of 3/4 of an acre and a minimum width of 150 feet and shall utilize entrances as approved by the Delaware Department of Transportation. Such a minor subdivision shall be limited to four lots per parcel, as well as one additional lot for each 10 acres of parcel size, with a maximum of four subdivided lots approved for recordation per calendar year.

[Amended 3-25-1997 by Ord. No. 1130]