Some photos that were attached to the emails are not included here.

Communications between Barbara C. and Speaker Schwartzkopf and Others

From: "Barbara"

Subject: Re: Dangerous Cross Walk at Marsh Farm Estates on Camp Arrowhead Road / Security issue

Date: October 5, 2020 at 2:02:23 PM EDT

To: "Hastings, Eric \(LegHall\)" <>

Cc: "Lopez, Ernesto B \(LegHall\)" <>, "Schwartzkopf, Peter \(LegHall\)" <>, "Rapa, Keri \(LegHall\)" <>

Hi Eric :

Thank you for your response and it disturbs and saddens me as well as the homeowners at Marsh Farm Estates of this disregard for human life coming from DelDot, Developers and Legislative Hall. All the signage in the world will not make this crosswalk at an S curve safe. Cutting down trees does not make a crosswalk safe. Is it not the responsibility of DelDot and are law makers to make the roads safe for all of us! Connecting this section of Marsh Farm Estates to the already existing Marsh Farm Estates at this curve is ludicrous. Coming from the north end of camp arrowhead road you can not see the signage nor the cross walk until you are on top of it. FYI, NO signage from north end of road. There are no trees on this side. In my opinion, this is just about monies not wanting to be spent to correct a BIG mistake on DelDot’s and developer. Being new to the area Ireahed out and have asked you our legislative hall to get DelDot and developer to see the danger, not to agree with them. (Sent those videos previously) One life lost is one to many and this is not acceptable. I have documentation that DelDot is responsible for putting this crosswalk in at a hazardous curve. I have read several articles in the Cape Gazette pertaining to this crosswalk. This option to continue is a disregard for human lives. Living in the Marsh Farm Estates and having a plain view of the curb and crosswalk, I have seen many cars miss the turn hit signs and keep going.(per pictures sent recently) I have stood at this curve and took videos. 1 out of 10 cars stopped at this crosswalk, 9 people would have been hit. I am not the only one against it. Therefore, I am also going to ask for help from my Senators Thomas Carper, Chris Coons,, Representative-at-large, Lisa Blunt Rochester, Governor John Carney and Lieutenant Governor Bethany Hall-Long. I will send all the correspondence to them as well as the Cape Gazette. This then will HOLD YOU ALL responsible for any injuries occurred. You will not be able to say you did not know. Thank you and hoping you will reconsider and fight against this crosswalk.



From: Hastings, Eric (LegHall)

Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 1:01 PM

To: Barbara

Cc: Lopez, Ernesto B (LegHall) ; Schwartzkopf, Peter (LegHall) ; Rapa, Keri (LegHall)

Subject: Re: Dangerous Cross Walk at Marsh Farm Estates on Camp Arrowhead Road / Security issue


DelDot has just informed us after field meetings held in the summer, they are taking a different route with the developer. The developer is going to remove the trees that block the sight distance for the crosswalk. DelDot will also be adding rapid flashing beacons. Our understanding is that it would be moved but that determination changed over time. We have no further control over the matter, DelDot is responsible for the plan. At the least, it seems the crosswalk will be far more visible despite the corner due to the flashing lights and removal of trees.



From: Barbara

Sent: Friday, September 11, 2020 11:49 AM

To: Hastings, Eric (LegHall) <>

Cc: Lopez, Ernesto B (LegHall) <>; Horsey Kathy <>; Schwartzkopf, Peter (LegHall) <>; HOA Marsh Farms <>

Subject: Re: Dangerous Cross Walk at Marsh Farm Estates on Camp Arrowhead Road / Security issue

It has been since February of 2020 since we last were in contact and you said the good news was it was going to be removed but did not know when. I think 7 months has been adequate time to have it removed. I have taken video, pictures and recently pictures of the signs that cars ran into and are down due the curve. As the developer has started moving forward with the land where this cross walk WAS suppose to go, I have decided to reach out to all of you again. NOW would be the time to REMOVE both the PATH LEADING TO AND FROM THE CROSSWALK. There is large construction equipment there to get the job done. NOW. As I read in the Cape Gazette local paper, I am not the only one opposed to this dangerous crosswalk. There were some solutions but the simplest and cost effective is to have it removed all together and plant grass on both sides, which it would revert back to the original land. Thank you


From: Barbara

Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2020 3:01 PM

To: Hastings, Eric (LegHall)

Cc: Lopez, Ernesto B (LegHall) ; Horsey Kathy ; Schwartzkopf, Peter (LegHall)

Subject: Re: Dangerous Cross Walk at Marsh Farm Estates on Camp Arrowhead Road / Security issue

Hi Eric:

Thank you to everyone for researching this dangerous cross walk and coming to the conclusion that it is a safety hazard. I and the neighbors of Marsh Farm Estate do appreciate that the crosswalk will be remove. We have a front entrance to the neighborhood and hope that this will be the location to connecting the neighborhoods. I hope this will be corrected sooner rather than later. Again, thank you and look forward to the removal.


Barb Carucci


From: Hastings, Eric (LegHall)

Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2020 9:17 AM

To: Barbara

Cc: Lopez, Ernesto B (LegHall) ; Horsey Kathy ; Schwartzkopf, Peter (LegHall)

Subject: RE: Dangerous Cross Walk at Marsh Farm Estates on Camp Arrowhead Road / Security issue

Hi Barbara,

Speaker Schwarzkopf has spoken with DelDOT, it was indeed the contractor who decided on the crosswalk’s current location. There is good news however, it will be moved. I’m not sure when, but at least your efforts have led to an appropriate solution. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and if there is anything else we can do please reach out.


Eric Hastings

Eric Hastings

Legislative Assistant | Speaker Peter C. Schwartzkopf (14th District)

Delaware House of Representatives | Democratic Caucus

411 Legislative Ave Dover, DE 19901

Dover: (302) 744-4181

Wilmington: (302) 577-8481


From: Barbara

Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2020 2:06 PM

To: Hastings, Eric (LegHall) <>

Cc: Lopez, Ernesto B (LegHall) <>; Horsey Kathy <>; Schwartzkopf, Peter (LegHall) <>

Subject: Re: Dangerous Cross Walk at Marsh Farm Estates on Camp Arrowhead Road / Security issue

Eric, Thank you for your quick response. I was aware of the response of November 18th from the Speaker, but that response was vague. Thank you for your response and telling me he actually looked at it and he is reaching back out to them.

Thanks. Barb


From: Hastings, Eric (LegHall)

Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2020 12:47 PM

To: Barbara

Cc: Lopez, Ernesto B (LegHall) ; Horsey Kathy ; Schwartzkopf, Peter (LegHall)

Subject: RE: Dangerous Cross Walk at Marsh Farm Estates on Camp Arrowhead Road / Security issue


The Speaker replied to you original email on November 18th 2019. He looked at the crosswalk in person and agrees with you. He has mentioned it to DelDOT. However, he has not heard back from them so he is going to reach out once again to see what they can do. I will let you know once we have a reply from DelDOT.

Thank you,


Eric Hastings

Legislative Assistant | Speaker Peter C. Schwartzkopf (14th District)

Delaware House of Representatives | Democratic Caucus

411 Legislative Ave Dover, DE 19901

Dover: (302) 744-4181

Wilmington: (302) 577-8481


From: Barbara

Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2020 12:33 PM

To: Schwartzkopf, Peter (LegHall) <>

Cc: Hastings, Eric (LegHall) <>; Lopez, Ernesto B (LegHall) <>; Horsey Kathy <>

Subject: Re: Dangerous Cross Walk at Marsh Farm Estates on Camp Arrowhead Road / Security issue

Good Morning Gentlemen:

Happy New Year!

I am writing to you all because I have not heard back from any of you on this matter.

I hope that at least one of you, but I and my neighbors would be happier if all of you personally visited the DANGEROUS CROSSWALK on Camp Arrowhead Road. I would like to have your support in convincing Del Dot to remove the crosswalk and relocate it to the entrance of Marsh Farm Estates (Bay Wind Road & Camp Arrowhead Rd). It would be totally safer for all residents of Marsh Farm Estates, especially for the ones who will have to use the cross walk to come over to our Club House. I don’t think I have ever seen a cross walk on a curve of a road. Cars are blinded by both directions. My own experiment shows the cars do not even stop.

The developer suggested he could place a concrete pillar on the path he installed, which connects to our utility road of our development. (located by the dangerous crosswalk) This only allows cars to have access and by putting it up it will not allow any vehicles coming or going on this path. Without this my neighbors and I believe it poses a security threat. Our developer was on board to do this but I believe Mike said he needed to check with Del Dot.

I look forward to your support and getting the correction on this danger zone and security issue resolved.

Thank you, Barbara Carucci


From: Schwartzkopf, Peter (LegHall)

Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 7:10 PM

To: Barbara Carucci

Cc: Hastings, Eric (LegHall) ; Lopez, Ernesto B (LegHall)

Subject: Re: Dangerous Cross Walk at Marsh Farm Estates on Camp Arrowhead Road


Thank you for your email. I agree with you. This makes absolutely no sense and is very dangerous. I can’t imagine DELDOT making them put the crosswalk at that location. I’m going to ride down there soon and check it out and then I will be contacting Deldot to ask them who approved this questionable crosswalk.


Sent from my iPad


On Nov 18, 2019, at 4:48 PM, Barbara Carucci wrote:

Hi Mr. Schwartzkopf, First I would like to thank you for the birthday wishes. I have recently relocated to Lewes from Wilmington, Delaware. I live in the community of Marsh Farm Estates off of Camp Arrowhead Road. Your card that you sent to me quote “if you need my assistance or wish to share your thoughts, please contact my Dover office.” So here I go.......

I have tried through our builder NVR homes and Developer Common Sense Solutions to reconsider this cross walk to no avail. They have told me this was done through a planning zone for development and they have to follow their guidelines. I sent a general note to Del Dot safety to no avail. I’m baffled as to WHY someone would put a cross walk on a curve of a road. They have gone further to put signs up of 25 mph, flashing lights and signs to say yield to pedestrians. I can tell you I have stood out there to cross and have yet to have one car stop. CRAZY. This is surely an accident waiting to happen. One life injured or lost is one to many! I’m not sure WHY the crosswalk would not be at the entrance to our development which happens to be a straight line of sight with no obstacles in line of sight. Please see the pictures and videos attached for your review and any help in this matter would greatly be appreciated. Thank you Barbara Carucci.

Communication between E Lee and DelDOT - July 2020 and Dec. 2020

From: Eul Lee

Sent: Monday, July 06, 2020 3:58 PM

To: Cohan, Jennifer (DelDOT) <>

Cc: Brockenbrough, Thomas (DelDOT) <>; Michael H. Vincent <>; Samuel R Wilson Jr <>; IG Burton <>; Doug Hudson <>; John Rieley <>; Todd F. Lawson <>; Jamie Whitehouse <>; Schwartzkopf, Peter (LegHall) <>; Lopez, Ernesto B (LegHall) <>; Ron MacArthur <>; Goebel, Taylor <>

Subject: DelDOT Highway Safety Feedback - A Crosswalk at the Entrance of an S-Bend!

Dear Secretary Cohan,

I hope you and all DelDOT staff are staying safe and well.

At the Henlopen TID workshop in Lewes Firestation in February, I showed you on the map the notorious S-Bend on Camp Arrowhead Rd in Angola. Guess what?

We found someone painted a crosswalk at the dangerous entering of this S-Bend. Since March, we have been trying to find who authorized this and how to get it removed, but have not gone very far. has some photos of this crosswalk.

This crosswalk seems to have been added to let the residents from one side of Marsh Farm Estates subdivision to use the clubhouse on the other side of Camp Arrowhead. Luckily, the subdivision on the other side has not been built yet and the lockdown has been keeping the traffic volume there low. Can you imagine young moms pushing baby carts across the road? This bend has been known for cars rolling into the ditch. Now, the crosswalk!

To alleviate any such perilous situations to spread to other areas, some decisive actions and rigorous enforcement plans are called for. Looking forward to hearing of some good results.

(The link above also shows a couple of photos of an accident in Old Mill Bridge near Dirickson Creek that has a tight curve and a deep ditch.)


Eul Lee


From: Cohan, Jennifer (DelDOT) <>

Date: Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 12:47 PM

Subject: RE: DelDOT Highway Safety Feedback - A Crosswalk at the Entrance of an S-Bend!

To: Eul Lee

Cc: Brockenbrough, Thomas (DelDOT) <>, Michael H. Vincent <>, Samuel R Wilson Jr <>, IG Burton <>, Doug Hudson <>, John Rieley <>, Todd F. Lawson <>, Jamie Whitehouse <>, Schwartzkopf, Peter (LegHall) <>, Lopez, Ernesto B (LegHall) <>, Ron MacArthur <>, Goebel, Taylor <>

Hello there my friend! We are aware of this situation and are exploring options. It is complicated by the fact that the developer built trails and landings on either side of the road at this location. It was built last year sometime and it was decided that since the paths on both sides met on the curb a crosswalk and signage should be added to improve the visibility of the crossing to drivers.

We agree that the crosswalk should be removed and there should probably be changes to the approach based on the existing paths. The last thing we want is to remove the cross walk and signage just to have people cross there anyway due to the existing paths . My team has planned a field meeting to look into how we are going to remedy the condition.

The other complicating factor is that we know that the developer will have no interest in doing anything after we made him spend extra money to install it in the first place, and he doesn’t have an obligation to do it since we have accepted the work. We will need to add it to a contract or come up with some other solution.

We are working on the solution and hope to have one soon. Thank you as always for bringing things like this to my attention. It is greatly appreciated.

Be well,

Jennifer Cohan

Jennifer Cohan


From: E Lee

Date: Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 11:51 AM

Subject: Fwd: DelDOT Highway Safety Feedback - A Crosswalk at the Entrance of an S-Bend!

To: Hastings, Shante (DelDOT) <>, <>

Cc: Horstmann, Javier (Governor) <>, Brockenbrough, Thomas (DelDOT) <>, Michael H. Vincent <>, Samuel R Wilson Jr <>, IG Burton <>, Doug Hudson <>, John Rieley <>, Todd F. Lawson <>, Jamie Whitehouse <>, Schwartzkopf, Peter (LegHall) <>, Lopez, Ernesto B (LegHall) <>, Ron MacArthur <>, Goebel, Taylor <>

Dear Shante and Nicole,

I am forwarding you the former Secretary Cohan's email of July 7, 2020, and copying it to everyone who received the email and Governor Carney. As you know this is about the crosswalk at one end of the notorious S-bend on Camp Arrowhead in the Angola area. At least the locals know it as one of the most dangerous places in Sussex County. You have seen the pictures before. Now some locals made youtube videos, too. One is

The following is the direct quote from DelDOT's website:

Our Vision

Every Trip -

We strive to make every trip taken in Delaware safe, reliable and convenient for people and commerce.

Every Mode -

We provide safe choices for travelers in Delaware to access roads, rails, buses, airways, waterways, bike trails, and walking paths.

Every Dollar -

We seek the best value for every dollar spent for the benefit of all.

Everyone -

We engage our customers and employees with respect and courtesy as we deliver our services.


    • Minimize the number of fatalities and injuries on our system

    • Build and maintain a nationally recognized system benefiting travelers and commerce

    • Provide every traveler with access and choices to our transportation system

    • Provide every customer with the best service possible

    • Minimize the environmental impact of the state's transportation system

    • Achieve financial sustainability through accuracy, transparency and accountability

    • Develop and maintain a place where talented and motivated employees love to work and can be national leaders in transportation

It just doesn't make sense how the blinking lights with warning signs at this dangerous section of ever-filling-up Angola area is deemed a safe solution. What are we waiting for? An accident at this site that will blow up in the media? An accident that we can look back on in the statistics?

'Who is DelDOT serving and protecting?' is my question. The pedestrians and bikers, the developers, or DelDOT itself? At first, when the public raised this issue in March, the investigation stalled by DelDOT denying its approval. Only after I wrote directly to Secretary Cohan in July, we got the true answer. At least, Secretary Cohan got to the bottom of it very quickly (in 1 day), admitted and owned up to the problem her department created. I admired her for her accountable leadership.

Finding out that the crosswalk is not going to be removed only on December 5th when Shante graciously accepted the invitation to our Sussex2030 meeting was shocking to the meeting attendees. It was not a planned question, but the attendees apparently wanted to know the answer and Shante offered it. The public had been patiently waiting for its removal and was in disbelief to hear the answer. Since then, Judy Kane and some others reached out to DelDOT again for a solution and waited for the answer.

Again, we found DelDOT's answer to our recent inquiries, made directly to Shante and Nicole, from yesterday's Cape Gazette article by Ron MacArthur - removing trees and rapid beacons. The problem is that the drivers are not always in control, whether by their own fault or by chance. What is at stake is the life of some poor people, maybe even kids, who judged it safe to walk or bike there because the crosswalk is clearly marked.

Is this the way DelDOT will be with the public going forward? I will miss Jennifer Cohan's eagerness to hear and serve the public.

This is not what I had in mind for this beautiful season, but in any case, nothing should prevent us from celebrating the light in the darkest of nights.

Have a wonderful and meaningful season, you all.

Eul Lee

Communications between J Kane and County Council

From: Judy

Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2020 7:53:06 AM

To: Doug Hudson <>

Cc: <>

Subject: Camp Arrowhead crosswalk

Good morning Doug,

I hope all is well with you and your family.

As you may know DelDOT will not remove the crosswalk. I will be writing to Acting Secretary Majeski as she had promised to email me about my concerns. Even Shante said she would do the same. So I learn about in from the Gazette. This is a very poor way to communicate with the public, especially when you have indicated you would contact me directly.

The local residents of the Angola area are not taking this lightly and will continue to fight this. We need statistics as to how many accidents, and the nature of the accidents, that have occurred on the Camp Arrowhead s-bend over the past 10-15 years. Is this something you can help us with? If not, where can we get that information?

You may wonder why I am so consumed by this crosswalk. This is one of what could be many more, and if this one is acceptable to DelDOT then what others may be allowed that put citizens at risk? If we can't get this one removed, then we will have failed to make our point. If money is the problem then DelDOT needs to pony up. Or is it acquiescence to a developer? And all for 20 homes?

As always, thank you for your time and attention. I hope you and your family can enjoy a peaceful Christmas.

Judy Kane


From: Doug Hudson <>

Date: Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 8:27 AM

Subject: Re: Camp Arrowhead crosswalk

To: Judy

Cc: <>

I have spoken with Jen Cinelli and Shante Hastings about this, but I will try to call them again today. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to reach them due to the holidays. The last I heard is that the crosswalks will remain.

I’ll see if I can get the information on the crashes on Camp Arrowhead Road, but I have no idea if they track crashes on that specific locations.

Stay safe from COVID and have a nice Christmas.


From: Judy

Date: Wed, Feb 3, 2021 at 7:23 AM

Subject: camp arrowhead crosswalk

To: <>

Good morning John,

I'm reaching out to you about an old topic, the Camp Arrowhead crosswalk. Last February when you visited our clubhouse a lady from an Angola community mentioned the crosswalk, it was the first time I learned about it, and the first time for you as well. I've reached out to Doug Hudson and he in turn has turned has reached out to Shante Hastings. I've gone that route with no success, either she feels it really is safe or has no choice but to say that. Doesn't matter, the crosswalk is still there.

As I see it, the crosswalk is an accidental one, an afterthought, placed to make it easier for the residents of 15 homes to get to amenities across the road, just because multi use paths on both sides of the Marsh Farm Estates happened to be close to Camp Arrowhead road. There is another crosswalk that goes to 15 more homes yet to be built, this one across Camp Arrowhead heading to Waterview; this one is much safer with a better sight line. How can two crosswalks be needed for 30 homes? How did that happen?

The Sussex 2030 community has a petition about this crosswalk, with over 200 signatures to date. The petition site has photos, a video, and recounts some history of the dangerous s-bend. Can we be the only ones who see the problem? We are not saying all crosswalks are unsafe but this one is different, it is unsafe. When I first reached out to Doug, as a retired State Trooper, he was well aware of how dangerous the s-bend was. We are concerned that if this one is allowed to stay a precedent will be set that any developer can ask for a crosswalk across any road, this with the shared amenity communities being very popular with developers.

So I'm asking you, do you think it's not the best place for a crosswalk? Can this community be served by the one crosswalk that is safe? What are we missing that the powers that be think this is ok? Is there anything you can do or say to get eyes on this situation? My frustration with this, after a year of ups and downs, is great. DelDOT seems entrenched in their position. Residents lose, developers win, once again. And safety is cast aside; a tragedy in the making.

Thank you for taking time to read this. Regardless of the outcome I appreciate anything you can do, and your service to the all of Sussex County.

Stay safe,



From: John Rieley <>

To: Judy

Sent: Wed, Feb 3, 2021 8:25 am

Subject: Re: camp arrowhead crosswalk

Hi Judy, I am very familiar with the crosswalk you are referencing and I’ve been following the emails back and forth about the issue. Unfortunately, we have no authority over it at all. At this point if Shante has made a decision on it, I would say your only remaining recourse would be your state representative and your state senator.

I’m fairly sure that you have Ernie Lopez for the Senate and Pete Schwarzkopf for representative. I wish I could be of more help.

By the way, perhaps you say that we passed the Coastal Zone ordinance yesterday.

Best regards,


From: Judy

Date: Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 12:36 PM

Subject: Re: Camp Arrowhead Crosswalk

To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

Cc: <>, <>, <>, <>

Acting Secretary Majeski,

I just read the December 22 Cape Gazette article about keeping the Camp Arrowhead crosswalk. I had been waiting for your 'follow up' as promised in your email to me on December 13. Shante Hastings also indicated in an email to me dated December 9 that you would be emailing me with a response to my concerns about the crosswalk. So you can imagine my surprise and disappointment in the manner in which I learned of your decision. News of your decision via a newspaper article does not to me constitute a 'follow up'. I hope going forward your administration will communicate with the public in a more direct and personal manner.


Judy Kane


From: Majeski, Nicole (DelDOT) <>

To: Judy <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Hastings, Shante (DelDOT) <>; <>; <>; <>

Cc: Schwartzkopf, Peter (LegHall) <>; Lopez, Ernesto B (LegHall) <>

Sent: Sun, Dec 13, 2020 7:28 pm

Subject: RE: Camp Arrowhead Crosswalk

Hi Judy,

Thank you so much for your email. I will follow up shortly.



From: Majeski, Nicole (DelDOT) <>

Date: Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 1:27 PM

Subject: RE: Camp Arrowhead Crosswalk

To: Judy <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, Hastings, Shante (DelDOT) <>, <>

Cc: Schwartzkopf, Peter (LegHall) <>, Lopez, Ernesto B (LegHall) <>, <>, Horstmann, Javier (Governor) <>, McLeod, Charles R. (DelDOT) <>

Dear Judy,

You are absolutely correct, and please accept my apologies for my delayed follow up. We have been discussing options internally and improving the safety of the existing crosswalk is what we have decided to do.

The email from former Secretary Cohan stated, “We agree the crosswalk should be removed.” She went on to say, “The last thing we want to do is to remove the cross walk and signage just to have people cross there anyway due to the existing paths.” Our team did have the field meeting in the summer to review the location to see what options were available. As a result of the field meeting, it was determined that due to the internal pathways within the development and the clubhouse location, the desired path would still be to cross at this location.

The only way to prevent crossing at this location would be to remove significant portions of the internal pathways and construct some type of physical barrier. This would have to occur on the developer owned property outside of DelDOT’s right of way.

We have decided to provide the same treatment we have at several crossings statewide, which are the pedestrian activated rapid flashing beacons. The rapid flashing beacons are in design now and should be installed early next year. We will also have additional signage and striping implemented soon to provide additional curve warnings to drivers. Lastly, we had the developer do additional tree clearing and grading to make the crossing more visible for northbound vehicles.

Our concern is that removing the crosswalk will not prevent people from crossing at this location, so we want to make the existing condition as safe as possible.

Again, I apologize for the delay in getting this information to you.


From Keith Steck to John Fiori - 7/29/2021

From: Keith Steck <>

Date: Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 10:07

Subject: NITZA

To: John Fiori <>

Hi John

My name is Keith Steck. I'm a Sussex County resident who received you recent message about the upcoming August DE Bicycle Council meeting that included the June 2021 minutes. While I'm not a regular bike rider these days, I'm glad to know there is such a council. I pay a lot of attention to different issues in Sussex County, especially regarding development and its implications for public safety including pedestrian and bike riding safety.

That said, I saw your message asking what is NITZA. I read the minutes and I think NITZA is actually referring to NHTSA--the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration. I'm guessing from the minutes that NITZA wasn't written down but just spoken because the NHTSA's acronym is pronounced "NITSA." (I'm a retired federal employee who heard hundreds of acronyms during my career). I hope this helps.

Regarding bike riding and public safety, this is a real concern for a lot of us here in Sussex County. We see and hear about bike riders being hit by inattentive drivers and visitors/vacations riding bikes are some of these victims. Quite honestly, when I was a much more frequent rider myself I witnessed some of these people not obeying traffic laws or themselves being inattentive. When I lived just outside Rehoboth, my spouse and I used to love riding and using the bike and hike trails behind the outlets and going down Old Landing Road because we lived just off of it. We gradually gave up that later route because it became increasingly dangerous for the reasons cited above. When we moved to the Milton area, we tried riding around the area just to the west of town but stopped because it is not a safe bike-riding area--no shoulders, no bike lanes, inattentive drivers, etc. So it's exciting to see the rails to trails efforts finally happening, including the new path just on the south and west side of town that will provide non-vehicular pathways!

I don't know if you're aware of another, new bike-riding danger. This latest danger is the recent trend of putting in crosswalks between two parts of the same development that is separated by an existing road. For example, last year a crosswalk was added across Camp Arrowhead Road tying the main and largest part of Marsh Farm Estates to another very small piece of the community across the street. Worse, this crosswalk was put in the middle of a dangerous S curve!!! The community folks objected and raised concerns with DelDOT about the dangers to walkers and bike riders, including then-Sec. Jen Cohan who agreed it should not have gone there and said they [DelDOT] would "take care of it." No such luck or action. It's been raised with some state legislators, including some pretty high-level leadership types, who said they'd see about. Nada, nothing. Some local residents and other concerned folks even organized a protest and got the media involved. Many, many people have written considerable letters to the press and County officials; many letters have even been printed in local newspapers with no success at stopping these from being approved and going and existing ones removed.

Moreover, the fear many people had about the creeping crosswalk disease spreading is in fact happening. There have been more of these crosswalks installed and/or approved by Sussex Planning and Zoning and/or Sussex County Council and some have been or are about to be built. Many people have brought up this danger at hearings on the development proposals but to no avail. The simple truth is the developers hold sway and the people are ignored; these crosswalks linking two sides of a development are built because the developers can put one set of amenities like a pool and clubhouse and play/exercise areas in the main part of a community and tie that section to the small (10 or 20 houses) across the street without building another set of amenities there. It's very cheap to cut a path through communities and put a crosswalk over the dividing road; building an elevated crossover is not.

I and others have advocated raised/elevated crosswalks across the roads but with no action. Never mind that crossovers like on Rte 24 by Baywood are the best and safest option. Never mind that the overhead answers provide maximum safety to bike riders and pedestrians without impeding the flow of traffic. But these overhead crossovers are not happening;

This issue is going to become a major issue with the new rails to trails link from south west of Lewes to Georgetown. A case in point is where the old rail line crosses Rte 9 near Cool Spring Road. It's also going to become a problem with the Fisher Road trail crossover just west of this spot; this other site is just below the intersection of Rte 9 and Fisher Road. There is a plan--Monarch Glen--that has been or is about to be approved by Sussex County for 246 homes that will be along the southside of the trail. Worse, the sole entrance to this development will be literally only feet away from the trail crossing over Fisher Road! So you will have what amounts to a potentially busy street-level trail crossing a road that will have greatly-increasing vehicle traffic because of pending development (medical offices, residences, a strip shopping center all about to start at Rte 9 and Fisher Road), with a busy residential community. Still worse yet, that location is on a curve in Fisher Road and near another curve!!! This point and the Rte 9 trail crossover BOTH SHOULD HAVE ELEVATED CROSSOVERS!!!

I don't know what part of DelDOT you're in or what your position is, but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pay attention to this and get your agency higher-ups to save lives by requiring elevated crossovers.

Thanks for your attention. I will try to attend the Aug. 4 meeting, but I'm not sure I can make it. If I don't make it, I ask that you bring up this situation.

Keith Steck