Sussex County Government 


Sussex2030's Presentation of Sussex County Government:

PDF file:

(To view all pages, click the arrow in a box on the top right, and it will open up as a PDF file.)

Government - in short - 2023 Feb.pdf

YouTube Video:

(Cut-and-paste below is from the County website - May 2021)

Sussex County is governed by a five-member elected Council. There are five geographic districts within the county and each Council member is elected from their respective district to serve a four-year term. Candidates for the County Council must be at least 18 years old and residents of Sussex County.

Responsibilities of the County Council include:

County Council meetings are normally held each Tuesday at 10 a.m. with zoning hearings, when applicable, held at 1:30 p.m. The meetings take place in the Council Chambers, located in the County Administrative Offices building, 2 The Circle, Georgetown, Del. Meetings are open to the public.

Sussex County Government is administered by the County Administrator, Todd F. Lawson, who was appointed by the County Council in 2011. The County Administrator implements the Council's policies, oversees the preparation of the annual budget for the Council's approval, and supervises an overall staff of nearly 500 employees.

The County Administrator supervises departments that are charged with providing such vital services as sewer, public safety, planning, business development, zoning, and tax assessment and collection.

Sussex County Government Organizational Chart

The following diagram is from the County website at

(The colored boxes are explained further in this website.)

Committees and Board, Not Included in the Government Structure Diagram