published illustrations

(social science)

science + art

Drawing people, things, and events has been a part of my life since childhood, giving form and meaning to the world around me. During adolescence, as an art & design student, eyes, faces, hands, and trees became the central subjects of my sketchbooks. The detailed contour of a naked tree was a kind of self-portrait, a personal signature where colleagues and friends could recognize the trace of my right hand. Somehow, drawing defined who I was and what I could become!

As an anthropologist, I have used this creative skill to redefine social science, scientific illustration, and ethnographic drawing, enhancing them with metaphor and imagination. Although drawing could be considered as an ancillary activity in my professional project, art is the foundation of everything I do as a researcher. I am not an artist; I am a social scientist using art as a way of knowing and doing (more).

In the following lines, you can find the "colours" and credits of all my 52 published illustrations and the reference of their corresponding essay, article, or book chapter. (All artworks are protected by copyright laws ©. Please do not use or repost without permission.)

Noronha, Susana de (2021) "Frida Kahlo" (English & Portuguese) n Santos, B.S.; Cunha, T.; Nunes, J.A. (Eds.) Dicionário Biográfico Mestras e Mestres do Mundo: coragem e sabedoria [Biographical Dictionary Teachers of the World: Courage and Wisdom], Coimbra: CES-ALICE.

© Noronha, Susana de (2017) Frida Kahlo’s Profile [Graphite, charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

Noronha, Susana de (2020), “The Pandemic and the Crowded City" (English & Portuguese), Thematic Dossier Archiving the Pandemic. Coimbra: CES.

© Noronha, Susana de (2020) The number of each and every door [Photography]

© Noronha, Susana de (2020) Beyond the Facade [Photography]

Noronha, Susana de (2019) “Radiant: understanding endometrial cancer, vaginal brachytherapy and motherhood through words and images”, Revista Ñanduty, Vol. 7 (11):104-134. 

© Noronha, Susana de; Lua (2019) All the strength [graphite and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Lua (2019) I know it’s malignant [acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Lua (2019) It got a little shorter and tighter [acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de: Lua (2019) This thing inside the vagina [charcoal on paper, 21x29.7cm]

Noronha, Susana de (2019) Transplanted [Acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm] Virtual Exhibit Objects of Engaging with Migration & Crime Control Infrastructures, Project EXCHANGE (Curators: Marta Martins & Laura Carvalho – CECS-U.Minho).

© Noronha, Susana de (2019) Transplanted [Acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

Concept: The painting Transplanted was specifically created for the virtual exhibition titled "Engaging with Migration & Crime Control Infrastructures". The image features a sunflower print, crafted using black acrylic paint on white paper. Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) are human-sized plants, frequently taller, employed here as a metaphor symbolizing the bodies and lives of migrants and refugees. A transplanted flower or plant bears its own roots, still covered with dust and dirt from its previous home. But in order to survive, grow and thrive, it needs a new land, a new ground. Slowly turning their heads towards the Sun, the sunflower is also a metaphor for the enduring succession of days and nights spent by women, men, children, and elders beneath the open sky, devoid of home, shelter or haven. Bought in a flower shop, destined to wither and die, the painting itself embodies a form of transplantation, providing an alternative and more permanent format to the sunflower. This idea underscores our shared responsibility when welcoming "others", forming a community of care, extending a helping hand in a welcoming land. The phrase painting “on paper” further alludes to the movement of countless undocumented families and individuals, lacking official documentation or citizenship rights, but nevertheless an integral part of “us”, of humankind.

Cancer on Paper

Cancro sobre Papel [Cancer on Paper], a scientific illustration project with eight sub-projects and fifty illustrations in photography, painting and creative ethnographic drawing published in the research monograph Noronha, Susana de (2019) Cancro Sobre Papel: Estórias de oito mulheres Portuguesas entre palavra falada, arte e ciência escrita [Cancer on Paper: the stories of Eight Portuguese women in words, art and science], Coimbra: Almedina.

Noronha, Susana de; Noronha, Olinda (2019) "Olinda's Arm: from (dis)ability to another way of working with objects, a stump, and a body", in Noronha, Susana de (2019) Cancro Sobre Papel: Estórias de oito mulheres Portuguesas entre palavra falada, arte e ciência escrita [Cancer on Paper: the stories of Eight Portuguese women in words, art and science], Coimbra: Almedina.

© Noronha, Susana de; Noronha, Olinda de (2017) Two evil eyes have cast it upon you [Graphite, charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Noronha, Olinda de (2017) Three will remove it from you [Graphite, charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Noronha, Olinda de (2017) Three are the persons of the Holy Trinity [Graphite, charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Noronha, Olinda de (2017) Mother, Daughter, and Malignant Matter [Graphite, charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

Noronha, Susana de; Noronha, Olinda (2019) "Olinda's Arm: from (dis)ability to another way of working with objects, a stump, and a body", in Noronha, Susana de (2019) Cancro Sobre Papel: Estórias de oito mulheres Portuguesas entre palavra falada, arte e ciência escrita [Cancer on Paper: the stories of Eight Portuguese women in words, art and science], Coimbra: Almedina.

© Noronha, Susana de; Noronha, Olinda (2017) I do (almost) everything! [Composite of 12 Photographs]

Noronha, Susana de; Inácio, Ana Rita (about Sandra Madruga) (2019) "Almost a Tree: the melanoma and Sandra's work, the woman with no time to be undone", in Noronha, Susana de (2019) Cancro Sobre Papel: Estórias de oito mulheres Portuguesas entre palavra falada, arte e ciência escrita [Cancer on Paper: the stories of Eight Portuguese women in words, art and science], Coimbra: Almedina.

© Noronha, Susana de; Inácio, Ana Rita (2016) These rings of mine... me, my mother, and my sister [Acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Inácio, Ana Rita (2016) All of us, of the same blood. [Acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

Noronha, Susana de; Macias, Raquel C. (2019) "Raquel and the Clothes Hanger Neck: makeover, transforming a thyroid carcinoma into an accessory", in Noronha, Susana de (2019) Cancro Sobre Papel: Estórias de oito mulheres Portuguesas entre palavra falada, arte e ciência escrita [Cancer on Paper: the stories of Eight Portuguese women in words, art and science], Coimbra: Almedina.

© Noronha, Susana de; Macias, Raquel C. (2017) The tears of a lifetime [Graphite, charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Macias, Raquel C. (2017) I was closed for four days [Graphite, charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Macias, Raquel C. (2017) More relief than sadness [Graphite, charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Macias, Raquel C. (2017) That part that was lost [Graphite, charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

Noronha, Susana de; Maria (2019) "Maria or the House with Nothing: when a woman vanishes, cancer grows", in Noronha, Susana de (2019) Cancro Sobre Papel: Estórias de oito mulheres Portuguesas entre palavra falada, arte e ciência escrita [Cancer on Paper: the stories of Eight Portuguese women in words, art and science], Coimbra: Almedina.

© Noronha, Susana de; Maria (2016) I'm afraid of the house [Photography and charcoal on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Maria  (2016) There is something missing in me [Photography and charcoal on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Maria (2017) God holds us in His lap many times [Photography, graphite and charcoal on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Maria (2017) I have my daughters, which is what I adore the most! [Graphite and charcoal on paper, 21x29.7cm]

Noronha, Susana de; Silva, Alexandra (2019) "The Worst Part is Waiting: Alexandra, the eve, the day before, and the many chairs of breast cancer", in Noronha, Susana de (2019) Cancro Sobre Papel: Estórias de oito mulheres Portuguesas entre palavra falada, arte e ciência escrita [Cancer on Paper: the stories of Eight Portuguese women in words, art and science], Coimbra: Almedina.

© Noronha, Susana de; Silva, Alexandra (2017) I’m not a paper! [Graphite and charcoal on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Silva, Alexandra (2017) The worst thing is waiting! [Graphite and charcoal on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Silva, Alexandra (2017) Kicking and screaming for 10 minutes [Graphite and charcoal on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Silva, Alexandra (2017) The worst was telling my parents! [Graphite and charcoal on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Silva, Alexandra (2017) Dignity... trying to clean myself [ [Graphite and charcoal on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Silva, Alexandra (2017) What hurt me the most, the wretched catheters [Graphite and charcoal on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Silva, Alexandra (2017) I want to live all of it, experience everything! [Graphite and charcoal on paper, 21x29.7cm]

Noronha, Susana de; Silva, Alexandra (2019) "Patchwork Breast: Silvia's carcinoma and her husband's lymphoma, when cancers blend", in Noronha, Susana de (2019) Cancro Sobre Papel: Estórias de oito mulheres Portuguesas entre palavra falada, arte e ciência escrita [Cancer on Paper: the stories of Eight Portuguese women in words, art and science], Coimbra: Almedina.

© Noronha, Susana de; Santos, Sílvia (2017) It's the fear! [Graphite. charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Santos, Sílvia (2017) What Paulo had gone through! [Graphite. charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Santos, Sílvia (2017) Perfume on the nose [Graphite. charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Santos, Sílvia (2017) I wanted to die that night! [Graphite. charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Santos, Sílvia (2017) It felt like giving birth to a child [Graphite. charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

Noronha, Susana de; Sousa, Maria João (about Maria Cândida) (2019) "Maria Cândida, the Flowered Mother: one family against the roots of a nasopharyngeal carcinoma", in Noronha, Susana de (2019) Cancro Sobre Papel: Estórias de oito mulheres Portuguesas entre palavra falada, arte e ciência escrita [Cancer on Paper: the stories of Eight Portuguese women in words, art and science], Coimbra: Almedina.

© Noronha, Susana de; Sousa, Maria João (2017) She felt the haemorrhages [Graphite. charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Sousa, Maria João (2017) She went for the MRI [Graphite. charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Sousa, Maria João (2017) She already had metastases in her lung [Graphite. charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Sousa, Maria João (2017) The pain was horrible [Graphite. charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

© Noronha, Susana de; Sousa, Maria João (2017) She existed and will always continue to exist [Graphite. charcoal and acrylic on paper, 21x29.7cm]

Noronha, Susana de; 'Flor' (about 'Violeta') (2019) "The Empty Dress: Violeta's story between melanoma, death, and memory, thirty years later", in Noronha, Susana de (2019) Cancro Sobre Papel: Estórias de oito mulheres Portuguesas entre palavra falada, arte e ciência escrita [Cancer on Paper: the stories of Eight Portuguese women in words, art and science], Coimbra: Almedina.

© Noronha, Susana de; Flor (2017) Erase the past; It’s over; Move on. [Graphite, charcoal, acrylic and sewing thread on paper, 21x29.7cm]