top 5 survival tips for wilderness survival

Every outdoorsman and outdoorswoman should know what the top 5 survival tips are for wilderness survival.

Wilderness survival is defined as a survival situation in which the individual has to endure a physical or psychological challenge, in which an absence of normal resources usually results. An individual who experiences a wilderness survival situation might face starvation, dehydration, exposure to the dangerous presence of wild animals, or even possible death from injuries sustained while trying to survive. It's important to recognize that many wilderness survival situations can be resolved with a little preparation and experience. When preparing for a wilderness survival situation it is important to keep in mind the following tips.

One of the top tips is to make sure that you have good supplies on hand to ensure your survival.

When setting up for a wilderness survival, you should always make sure that food and water are secured and kept in a safe location. You should also make sure that you have tinder, fire starter, and other emergency supplies. Tinder is a very popular tool used by people in the world of fire sports because it allows you to create a campfire fast and easy. It can also be used for starting fires around the campfire as well.

Another tip is to utilize the right type of clothing when going into the woods to survive.

Many people think that they should dress in layers to keep them comfortable. But in the wilderness clothing like a thick jacket can actually keep you warm even on the coldest nights. If you're looking to conserve your body heat, you can try wearing a sweater and jeans instead of a bulky jacket. Waterproof clothing such as a rain poncho can also be helpful to protect your body from the rain and snow. But don't pack too much clothing; leave some room so that you have room to maneuver.

The third tip is to stay calm no matter what.

This may sound simplistic but if you're in the wilderness you need to be able to stay calm no matter what happens. A wilderness survival situation can be very threatening, so you need to remain calm no matter what. Don't try to reason with an angry mob; just keep your head up and follow the basic survival rules.

Fourth, you should use tinder and kindling whenever you find a good spot to start a fire.

Look for dry leaves or twigs on the ground and make a fire with them. Do this several times until the fire becomes large and controllable. Then you can start using real wood or tinder to create a campfire. Make sure that you have plenty of wood, dry leaves, and kindling so that you have a smoky fire when you sit down to eat your meal. Dry leaves and twigs will give off a lot of smoke so it's wise to have all three of these things in one place when making a fire.

Fifth, if you're sitting by the fire collecting water then collect the water with a bucket or water bottle from the ocean or lake nearby.

Once you have all of your supplies together then you're ready to make your first fire. Make sure that you use a grill lighter than you would use with an open pit fire because the flames from an open pit can be much bigger than the flames produced by a grill lighter. Finally, don't forget to include a waterproof bag or container to collect water so that you won't have to scoop water out of the grass when you're enjoying your meal.

Survival Tips