Survival tips articles

survival tips for rookies

Are you a rookie in the survival field? It is always useful to have some survival tips for rookies. Even if it is a one-time disaster, being prepared for disasters and emergency situations will put you at an advantage and give you more confidence. Some of these rookie survival tips are listed below.

First, you need to know where you are and where you need to go. If you live in a city, you need to know how to get to a central city spot. If you live in a rural area, you need to know how to get to a rural location. You need to research maps and traffic signs so you can get to where you need to go. Remember to never get lost! If you do not know where you're going or why you're going in the first place, you may be very disappointed when you get lost.

Second, you need to know your route or familiarize yourself with your surroundings. Sometimes it is helpful to write down your general location on a piece of paper and put it in your car's glove compartment. Then, you can find it quickly if you need to use your flashlight in a difficult situation. It also helps to keep a good map and your hands free. You also might want to look for any police officers near your route or in the city that you're heading toward.

Third, if there is a fire, you need to know which sections of the city have been evacuated. In a fire, it is important to remember that you may need to hike to safety. So, if there is smoke, keep your eyes open and search for signs of life such as pet food or human skin. If you see anything that looks like a human, either keep your distance or start sniping.

Fourth, you should never go alone into a strange city. A city full of random strangers has more dangers than a person carrying a knife. If you are heading to a city to attend an event, consider bringing a friend or family member. Survival tips for cities that are unknown to include the following:

By following the survival tips that are provided here, you can avoid many of the dangers that are unique to the city you visit. This will allow you to stay out of danger and enjoy the experience to its fullest. In the end, this can mean getting the most out of a city's hospitality.