In this period writers are still adjusting in using English as medium of writing.

The development of a unique Filipino voice.
Explore the possibilities of English as a literary language.

Writers in this Period


The sub-period of Middle period starts at the period of re-orientation. In this period  writers are still adjusting in using English as medium of writing literatureAuthors had to learn a new language, a new set of literary conventions, and a new way of thinking about their own culture. As a result, their early works often reflected this struggle to find their voice in English.

During this time, Filipino writers encountered a lot of difficulties. They were had to learn a new language. Because English was not most Filipinos' first language, they had to start from scratch. This was a tough effort since English syntax and vocabulary differ greatly from Tagalog, the most commonly spoken language in the Philippines. They needed to figure out how to represent their own distinct experiences and viewpoints in English. This was difficult since they were frequently affected by the Western literary heritage.

Despite these obstacles, Filipino writers created several significant works of literature during the Period of Re-Orientation. These works contributed to the formation of a uniquely Filipino English-language literature.