The Filipino writers are now adjusted in using English in their Literature work

Imitated the style and form of American writers

They look for inspiration in the American literature

Writers in this Period


I learned in this period that Filipino writers were trying to imitate the style of Americans and Britons. This period is part of the adjustment period where Filipinos uses English as a medium of writing literature. Paz Marquez Benitez's "Dead Star" is one of our favorate because of its theme of love. Jorge Cleofas Bacobo's "Plea of teaching English in the Philippines" is one of the reason why English is one of the medium of instruction in the Philippines.

We realized that thanks to Jorge Cleofas Bacobo we are English majors today. His plea was the reason why we are one of the prominent English speaking country in Asia. This period find inspiration in American writings. Since they are still adopting, Filipino writers were still learning how to use the English language, and they often adopted the styles and themes of their Western counterparts. The Imitation Period was a time of experimentation and growth for Philippine literature. Filipino writers were still finding their voice, and they were not afraid to borrow from Western traditions.

To summarize, the Imitation Period was a time when Filipino writers were still learning how to use the English language. They often imitated the styles and themes of American writers. This period was a time of experimentation and growth for Philippine literature, as writers were still finding their voice.