Major Awards Listed here

  • Recipient of the 2019 Young Statistical Scientist Award in the Applications category by InternationalIndian Statistical Association. Award presented for. . . outstanding contributions to the development ofstatistical methods and algorithms for network modeling tools with important applications in neuroscienceand cancer studies, and for sustained contributions to research and training of students.
  • Received 10th percentile score in first submission for the R01 proposal to NIMH (role: PI) titledIntegrativeBrain Network-Based Analysis for Heterogeneous and Multimodal Neuroimaging Data,Feb 2019.
  • Received travel funding to attend SAMSI Deep Learning Opening Workshop, SAMSI, Raleigh, NC, Aug2019.
  • Featured Speakerat Advanced Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation Summit (ABEIS-2019), SanFrancisco, June 2019.
  • Recipient of Young Investigator Travel Award at 11th Conference on Bayesian Nonparametrics, Paris,June 2017.
  • Awarded Fund for Innovative Teaching (FIT) grant ($3000.00) by Center for Faculty Development &Excellence, Emory University, April 2017.
  • Nominated for best teaching award in the Department of Biostatistics, Emory University, 2016-2017.•Featured Speakerat the Georgia Statistics Day 2016.
  • Distinguished Student Paper Award at Eastern North American Region (ENAR) Conference, 2012, forthe manuscript “Bayes Variable Selection in Semi-parametric Linear Models”.
  • Winning team member of Stat Bowl team champion, awarded by American Statistical Association at JointStatistical Meetings, Miami, USA, 2011.
  • Student Paper Competition winner for the Section on Bayesian Statistical Science (SBSS), Joint StatisticalMeetings, 2011, for the manuscript “Single Factor Transformation Priors for Density Regression”
  • Winning team member for 2011 American Statistical Association “Promoting the Practice and Professionof Statistics” Video Competition.
  • Stat Bowl champion, awarded by American Statistical Association at Joint Statistical Meetings, Miami,USA, 2011.
  • Reynolds Fellowship offered by UNC for “... highest academic potential and the most impressive recordof achievement in undergraduate education and work and life experiences”.
  • Satia Scholarship offered by School of Public Health 2010, UNC for innovative Public health work inunderdeveloped areas.
  • Biostatistics International Travel Fund awarded by the Department of Biostatistics, UNC Chapel Hill,2010.
  • 2009 Hardison scholarship offered by the Department of Biostatistics, UNC to “...outstanding applicantin the Department of Biostatistics to encourage studies in health informatics in the department”.

Graduate Student Advisee Awards:

  • Dissertation co-advisor for RSPH 2018 Livingston Fellow, Ixavier Higgins (jointly advised with Dr. YGuo)
  • Dissertation co-advisor & co-author for 2017 Statistical Methods in Imaging Conference Student PaperAward Winner, Ixavier Higgins (Jointly advised with Dr. Y. Guo)
  • Dissertation advisor for First place winner, Senior Student Presentations 2019, Emory University, JoshuaLukemire (Jointly advised with Dr. Y. Guo)
  • Dissertation advisor & co-author for Honorable Mention for Poster at Georgia Statistics Day 2019 for thepaper titledSemi-parametric Bayes Regression With Network-Valued Covariatesby Xin Ma, SuprateekKundu & Jennifer Stevens.
  • Dissertation advisor & co-author for paper titledSemi-parametric Bayes Regression With Network-ValuedCovariatesselected as Winner of International Biometric Society Eastern North American Regions (ENAR)Distinguished Student Paper Awards 2020.