Policies & Information

Open House Presentation 

Due to the flowing nature of Open House, it is hard to do a class presentation and not have to stop and restart multiple times. Here is a link to the class presentation. Please review the slideshow and let me know if you have any questions.


Students should have a standard schedule for how they get home each day. 

Any changes to how a student gets home should be communicated through Remind and your child's agenda prior to the date of change. 

I know things sometimes come up so If you need to make the change for the same day, please send me a message through Remind no later than 1:00 pm

We want to make sure everyone goes home correctly and that they are waiting in the correct location so that the dismissal process runs smoothly.

Skills Practice

I always ask parents to practice skills like tying shoes, zipping/buttoning jackets, opening water bottles, food wrappers, etc.. with their children. These are skills I typically stop assisting with in November

I highly encourage practicing and mastering these skills as soon as possible. Even with frequent hand washing and sanitizing, the less we handle personal items means the less chance we have of spreading germs to one another. 

I’ll do my best to keep them healthy but this is a simple way you can help as well. 

This picture is a good representation of easy and hard items to open at lunch.


Your child will have a daily snack time in which he or she will be able to eat a healthy snack. I encourage you to send in a snack each day that can be eaten in about 10 minutes.

Please keep in mind that we will be eating in the classroom, therefore, healthy snacks that have minimal cleanup are best! Acceptable snacks include: crackers, pretzels, dry cereal, string cheese, raisins, fruits, vegetables, etc...

Water Bottles

Students should bring a water bottle to school each day. All water bottles should be labeled with your child's name. Refillable water bottles are preferred. Students may use the water fountains to refill them but will not be allowed to drink directly from the water fountains. 

Change of Clothes

Spills and accidents can occur in school. Please send in a change of clothes in your child's backpack. I suggest placing them in a ziplock bag labeled with your child's name as well as my name. 

Dress Code