Opi suomea myös muualla

Suomen kielen alkeet

Mikä ihmeen suomen kieli?

A Taste of Finnish - This online course gives you a good picture of the Finnish language, a toolbox handy in simple everyday situations with the Finns – a taste of Finnish (by University of Helsinki).

Basics of Finnish language - Learn the basics of Finnish language with these videos (by YLE, Finnish Broadcasting Company).


Puhutsä suomee is an open online course for international students wanting to learn to speak Finnish and to use spoken Finnish forms. The course gives models and explanations how the spoken Finnish forms differ from the written standard Finnish. The material consist of short dialogue videos, exercises and teaching videos. Puhutsä suomee encourages students to use Finnish in conversations with Finns from the very beginning of their stay in Finland.

Suomi-tieto ja kulttuuri

This is Finland - things you should and shouldn't know about Finland.

Your Basic Finland Facts - facts, figures and basic info about Finland.