Chinese Heritage Society

Volunteering For Everyone

We're the Sunset Chinese Heritage Society Club! We aim to bring unparalleled (stupidly good) volunteering opportunities and cultural exposure to Sunset High School. Feel free to browse!

Our Core Tenets


We're passionate about preserving China’s rich culture and heritage. We cherish it with passion and pride and wish to share it with the world, fostering appreciation and respect for the cultures of China, the world, and novel perspectives alike. 


We believe that a sense of community is essential to a positive society. We strive to contribute to the well-being of local and global communities through our service projects. By engaging in community service, we aspire to uplift our communities and create a lasting legacy for future generations.


 We recognize the importance of advocating for cultural diversity and inclusion. Our organization seeks to foster a sense of respect and appreciation among people of different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. Through this, we aim to promote understanding and acceptance among people from all walks of life. 

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