Water Treatment 

We do all kinds of Water Treatment, example are; Water Softener, Iron Filters, RO systems, Sedimate Filters,

The company we use is called Hydrotech. 

We use three different kinds of water softener and iron filter head are called, 565 (on the left), 785 (in the center), and 89 (on the right). More information is below. 

565 Water Softener Head 

The 565 Head is the basic head that we use. This is the main head we use, this head is great for City water, we will use it for well water too but only when the water is close to the quality or city water.

785 Water Softener Head 

The 785 Head is in the middle range for the head, we will use this head with a high water usage with city water. This is the head that we recommend to use with poor water quality, like Well water. 


89 Water Softener Head 

The 89 head is top of the line heads that we offer, this head work great for high water usage on city water. This is the head we use with very poor water quality in Well water. we can set this head up to help take some of the iron out in well water too but we do have a entire different system to help with iron.  

Water Softener Units 

Here is what the unit will look like. 

Specialty Systems


HTO stands for ( Hardness, taste, and odor.) This unit come with two tank, the tank on the left is filled with carbon. carbon is was takes the taste and odor out of the water. The tank on the right that has the head on it is the actually tank that soften the water. This system come with the 565, and the 89 head. This system is only use on city water.  

Iron filter 

This Two tank iron filter is to get that, stubborn Iron, Manganese and Sulphur out of that water, without use only chemicals.

The tank on the left is just filled with air. that tank on the right is filled with the media that take the Iron, Manganese and Sulphur out. 

This system comes with the 565, and the 89 heads, 

We main use the 565 on this system.

This system is use only for very poor well water  

Drinking Water

Drinking water is something we don't think of what in it. Most cities use chlorine and other chemicals to get the water to a safe level to use and drink. But they can't get ALL of their chemical out of the water that they use. That were the RO system that comes in to play. The system will take out a good chunk of the chemical out of the water.

Aqua Flo Economy Reverse Osmosis System 

Feature about the system 

Aqua Flo H.E.R.O

Reverse Osmosis System 

Feature about the system 

Online Request for Water Treatment.