Self Care

What is Self Care?

The practice of taking action to preserve one’s physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health. Self Care is anything you do that makes you feel good, relax and brings joy.

Why Practice Self Care?

Good self-care is key to improved mood and reduced anxiety. It’s also key to a good relationship with oneself and others.

Self Care is: Biking, Cooking, Making Music, Meditating, Yoga, Deep Breathing Exercises, Listening to Music, Exercise, Netflix, Hobbies, Talking to a Therapist, Positive Afformations, Nutrition, Calling a Friend...

How to Make Self Care Stick?

  1. Write down your goal and write out a routine and follow it - predictability leads to success.

  2. Habit Stacking - schedule your self care practice at a time you normally do something else - tie it to that practice. Examples: after you brush your teeth medicate for 2 minutes, after you eat lunch go on a walk.

  3. Two minute rule - engage in self care in small chunks - start with two minutes and build up your practice.

Be kind to yourself