2022 Summer CAS-JSPS Workshop in Cosmology, Gravitation, and Particle Physics

30th August - 2nd September, 2022 (JST)


Based on the CAS-JSPS bilateral program, researchers in Czechia and Japan meet together to bring their idea and to discuss recent topics in cosmology, gravitation, and particle physics to promote future collaborations. There are 4 lectures produced by T. Fujita, S. Mukohyama, K. Oda, and A. Vikman as well as individual talks including invited ones.


Date: 30th August - 2nd September (JST)

Venue: Funayoshi (舟吉) in Izu Oshima island: https://funayoshi.tokyo/index.html


3 hour lectures, 30 min invited talks, and 20 min talks

program (latest)


Shin'ichi Hirano, Alexander Vikman, Masahide Yamaguchi

Invited lecturers

Tomohiro Fujita (Inst. Advanced Study, Waseda U.)

Shinji Mukohyama (Kyoto U., Yukawa Inst.)

Kin-ya Oda (Tokyo Woman's Christian U.)

Alexander Vikman (Prague, Inst. Phys.)

Invited speakers

Sebastian Bahamonde (Tokyo Tech)

Mohammad Ali Gorji (Kyoto University)

Shin'ichi Hirano (Tokyo Tech)

Asuka Ito (Tokyo Tech)

Georg Trenkler (Prague, Inst. Phys.)

Leonardo G. Trombetta (Prague, Inst. Phys.)

List of participants

Tomohiro Fujita (Inst. Advanced Study, Waseda U.)

Shinji Mukohyama (Kyoto U., Yukawa Inst.)

Kin-ya Oda (Tokyo Woman's Christian U.)

Alexander Vikman (Prague, Inst. Phys.)

Sebastian Bahamonde (Tokyo Tech)

Mohammad Ali Gorji (Kyoto University)

Shin'ichi Hirano (Tokyo Tech)

Asuka Ito (Tokyo Tech)

Georg Trenkler (Prague, Inst. Phys.)

Leonardo G. Trombetta (Prague, Inst. Phys.)

Suchana Adhikari (Tokyo Tech)

Hitomi Kuroda (Ochanomizu University)

Tomotaka Kuroda (Tokyo Tech)

Siyao Li (Tokyo Tech)

Yuichi Miyashita (Tokyo Tech)

Michiru Niibo (Ochanomizu University/Tokyo Tech)

Ayano Saito (Ochanomizu University)

Fumiya Sano (Tokyo Tech)

Gen Sekita (Tokyo Tech)

Kyohsuke Tomonari (Tokyo Tech)

Masahide Yamaguchi (Tokyo Tech)

Yusaku Yamauchi (Tokyo Tech)

Jiale Zhang (Ochanomizu University)


This workshop is supported by the Bilateral Czech-Japanese Mobility Plus Project JSPS-21-12 (JPJSBP120212502).