I specialize in algebraic geometry, with a growing interest in the fields of tropical geometry and symplectic geometry. I am interested in various problems arising in mirror symmetry.
Irregular Hodge numbers of stacky Clarke mirror pairs (with Andrew Harder) (2024),, submitted.
Fukaya categories of hyperplane arrangements (with Yin Li, Siyang Liu, and Cheuk Yu Mak) (2024),, submitted.
Generators for the cohomology of the moduli space of irregular parabolic Higgs bundles (with Jia Choon Lee) (2024),, submitted.
Semi-stable degenerations of Calabi-Yau manifolds and mirror P=W conjectures .
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, vol 12 , 2024.
Mirror P=W conjecture and extended Fano/Landau-Ginzburg correspondence.
Advances in Mathematics, vol 444, 2024.
Meromorphic Hitchin systems and Calabi-Yau integrable systems (with Jia Choon Lee).
International Mathematics Research Notices, vol 2023, Issue 11, 2023.
Ongoing Projects
Hypertoric convolution algebras as Fukaya categories (with Yin Li and Cheuk Yu Mak).
Tropical Descent (with Andrew Harder).