SUic Player

Android Video Player

Check for update : Update 

SUic Player Description : Description 

SUic Player Some Information 

Privacy Policy : Privacy Policy

Terms and Condition : Terms and Conditions

Added in : 12 - June - 2023

New Update : 1.8 SM (9)

SUic video player interface and system optimization improvement. More features added in application for best video player and Music Player experience.

New features.

Music Player notification control and video playback in as a music and New media style notification.

More update & fixed :

1. UI/UX Design Improvement

2. Settings new features

3. Video player control

Check Update : Update 

New Update : 1.8 SM (9)

1. Audio/Video play as background

2. Music player improvement 

3. Background playback Mediastyle notification and music controller and Android 11 Music controller availavle in this update. 

Check Update : Update 

Great update for SUic player. 

SUic player user interface improved and almost all bug and problem solved. Most useful feature background playback now available. 

New Update : 1.7 SM (8)

1. Audio/Video play as background

2. Music player improvement 

3. Picture in Picture mode button Play,Next and previous button problem solved

4. Picture in Picture mode improved

5. Video pinch zoom and resume time save problem solved 

6. Background playback notification and music controller

7. Media file/folder long press to more menu for media file and folder

8. Application icon changed

Check Update : Update 

1. Audio/Video play as background

2. Music player improvement 

3. Picture in Picture mode button Play,Next and previous button problem solved

4. Picture in Picture mode improved

Old Feature and YouTube Videos

SUic Player 

Available on Galaxy Store and this Application made by Soiad Mahedi. Her full name is Md. Mehedi Hasan Rabbani from Bangladesh.

Video Published Date : 12 Dec 2022