Leadership Styles, Defined, & objectives

Leadership Styles

Authoritarian Leadership Style:

A leader displays the authoritarian leadership style when subordinates are told what is to be done and how it is to be done.

Participative Leadership Style:

In the participative leadership style, the leader solicits information and advice from others in the group, and then makes a decision.

Delegative Leadership Style:

In this leadership style, the leader assigns decision making power to a subordinate. Responsibility for the outcome remains with the leader at all times regardless of this assignment.

Leadership Defined

Leadership is the ability to influence, lead or guide others to accomplish a mission in the manner desired by providing purpose, direction, and motivation.

Purpose gives others a reason for why they should do something.

Direction gives others the “knowledge” to complete the task.

Motivation gives others the will to do what they are capable of doing.

Leadership Objectives

Accomplish the Mission

Mission accomplishment is achieving your goal.

Troop Welfare

The welfare of your troops should always be a consideration for you as a leader.

Authority, Responsibility, & Accountability


Authority is the legitimate power of a leader to direct individuals to take action within the scope of the leader’s position.


Responsibility is the obligation to act or to do a task that one must answer for, either to team members or to supervisors.


Accountability is the reckoning when leaders must answer for their actions and accept the consequences, good or bad.