Hi, I am Dr. Suhas Vijayakumar.
Welcome to my personal website where I document the highlights of my ongoing research.
About Me
I study consumer behavior. I use experimental methodology, eye-tracking, text analysis etc. to understand how people process information, form judgments and make choices in the marketplace.
I am currently researching topics within the purviews of social influences, consumer word of mouth, interpersonal influence and person perception, interactions with AI, experiences of resource scarcity, cryptocurrencies, lay beliefs, information flow and communication, and social networks.
Please visit my research page to see my working projects: Link to my Research Page
Academic Experience:
Academic Director, MSc in Marketing Program, UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School, Ireland (September 2024- Present)
Assistant Professor in Marketing, University College Dublin, Ireland (2021- Present)
Get in touch with me at: suhas.vijayakumar@ucd.ie
Link to my profile on the UCD Smurfit School Webpage
Educational Background:
PhD in Marketing, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong