


Sugimoto M. Cellular Senescence: A Promising Approach in Respiratory Diseases. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 24 Suppl 1. 60-66, 2024 


Kawaguchi K., Asai A., Mikawa R., Ogiso N., Sugimoto M. Age-related changes in lung function in National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology Aging Farm C57Bl/6N mice. Exp. Animals 17. 173-182, 2023

津島博道、杉本昌隆 Senolysisと呼吸器疾患 炎症と免疫 Vol. 31 No. 2, 8-13, 2023


津島博道、細山 徹、杉本昌隆 細胞老化とフレイル 日本サルコペニア・フレイル学会誌 Vol. 6 No. 1, 5-9, 2022

杉本昌隆、川口耕一郎 呼吸器疾患における細胞老化の病理的役割 実験医学 Vol. 39, 390-394, 2022


Kawaguchi K., Hashimoto M., Mikawa R., Asai A., Sato T., Sugimoto M. Protocol for assessing senescence-associated lung pathologies in mice. STAR Protocols 2. 100993. 2021

Suda M., Shimizu I., Katsuumi G., Yoshida Y., Hayashi Y., Ikegami R., Matsumoto N., Yoshida Y., Mikawa R., Katayama A., Wada J., Seki M., Suzuki Y., Iwama A., Nakagami H., Nagasawa A., Morishita R., Sugimoto M., Okuda S., Tsuchida M., Ozaki K., Nakanishi-Matsui M., Minamino T. Senolytic vaccination improves normal and pathological age-related phenotypes and increases lifespan in progeroid mice. Nature Aging 1. 1117-1126. 2021

Kawaguchi K., Komoda K., Mikawa R., Asai A., Sugimoto M. Cellular senescence promotes cancer metastasis by enhancing soluble E-cadherin production. iScience 24. 103022. 2021

Hashimoto M., Goto A., Endo Y., Sugimoto M., Ueda J., Yamashita H. Effects of CREG1 on age-associated metabolic phenotypes and renal senescence in mice. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22. 1276. 2021

Kawaguchi K., Hashimoto M., Sugimoto M. An antioxidant suppressed lung cellular senescence and enhanced pulmonary function in aged mice. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 541. 43-49. 2021

Johmura Y., Yamanaka T., Omori S., Wang T.W., Sugiura Y., Matsumoto M., Suzuki N., Kumamoto S., Yamaguchi K., Hatakeyama S., Takami T., Yamaguchi R., Shimizu E., Ikeda K., Okahashi N., Mikawa R., Suematsu M., Arita M., Sugimoto M., Nakayama K.I., Furukawa Y., Imoto S., Nakanishi M. Senolysis by glutaminolysis inhibition ameliorates various age-associated disorders. Science 371. 265-270. 2021

川口耕一郎、杉本昌隆 SASPによる疾病発症メカニズム 医学の歩み Vol. 279 No. 5, 374-377, 2021

川口耕一郎、三河隆太、杉本昌隆 細胞老化 医学のあゆみ 別冊 老化メカニズムの徹底究明 分子からアンチエイジングまで, 57-62, 2021


Mikawa R., Sato T., Suzuki Y., Baskoro H., Kawaguchi K., Sugimoto M. p19Arf exacerbates cigarette smoke-induced lung dysfunction. Biomolecules 10. E462. 2020

Shimizu T., Yamada K., Suzumura A., Kataoka K., Takayama K., Sugimoto M., Terasaki H., Kaneko H. Caveolin-1 Promotes Cellular Senescence in Exchange for Blocking Subretinal Fibrosis in Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 61. 21. 2020

Yamada K., Kaneko H., Shimizu H., Suzumura A., Namba R., Takayama K., Ito S., Sugimoto M., Terasaki H. Lamivudine Inhibits Alu RNA-induced Retinal Pigment Epithelium Degeneration via Anti-inflammatory and Anti-senescence Activities. Transl. Vis. Sci. Technol. 9. 1. 2020

川口耕一郎、杉本昌隆 肺疾患における細胞老化の役割 老年内科 2 (6), 552-559, 2020

杉本昌隆、川口耕一郎 老化細胞の除去(senolysis)による加齢性疾患治療へのアプローチ ファルマシア Vol. 56 No 11, 1009-1013, 2020

川口耕一郎、杉本昌隆 呼吸器の老化・疾患と細胞老化 基礎老化研究 44 (3), 21-26, 2020

川口耕一郎、三河隆太、杉本昌隆 細胞老化 医学のあゆみ Vol. 273 No. 4, 332-337, 2020

杉本昌隆 喫煙病態における細胞老化の役割 喫煙科学 Vol. 35 No. 1, 3, 2020年


Kawaguchi K, Kim SE, Sugiyama D, Sugimoto M, Maruyama M. Age-associated alterations in murine dermis through inflammatory response with mitochondrial DNA deletions. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 19. 451-457. 2019

杉本昌隆 組織老化・疾患における細胞老化の役割 Aging & Health Vol. 28 No. 2, 38-41, 2019

杉本昌隆、三河隆太 老化細胞除去マウスとsenolytic薬 実験医学 Vol. 37 No.11, 1755-1760, 2019

三河隆太、杉本昌隆 肺の老化メカニズムと肺気腫-細胞老化の視点から 分子呼吸病 23(1), 1-4, 2019


Mikawa R., Suzuki Y., Baskoro Y., Kanayama K., Sugimoto K., Sato T., Sugimoto M. Elimination of p19ARF-expressing cells protects against pulmonary emphysema in mice. Aging Cell 30. e12827. 2018

川岸裕幸、三河隆太、杉本昌隆 細胞老化と組織老化 日本臨牀76巻 増刊号5, 114-118, 2018


Suzuki Y., Sato T., Sugimoto M., Baskoro H., Karasutani K., Mitsui A., Nurwidya F., Arano N., Kodama Y., Hirano SI., Ishigami A., Seyama K. Hydrogen-rich pure water prevents cigarette smoke-induced pulmonary emphysema in SMP30 knockout mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 492. 74-81. 2017

三河隆太、杉本昌隆 老化細胞除去モデルとsenolytic薬 Semigenetic and pharmacological approaches to senolysis. Anti-Aging Medicine 13(4), 30-36, 2017

杉本昌隆、三河隆太 組織の老化と細胞老化-Pathophysiological roles of cellular senescence in tissue aging BIO Clinica 32(8), 756-760, 2017

三河隆太、杉本昌隆 細胞老化研究の新展開-老化細胞は新たな創薬標的となるか-基礎老化研究41, 31-37, 2017

杉本昌隆 細胞老化研究の新展開―The light and dark sides of cellular senescence-Geriatric Medicine 老年医学Vol.55 No.5, 477-480, 2017


Hashimoto M., Asai A., Kawagishi H., Mikawa R., Iwashita Y., Kanayama K., Sugimoto K., Sato T., Maruyama M., and Sugimoto M. Elimination of p19ARF-expressing cells enhances pulmonary function in mice. JCI insight 1(12). e88057. 2016


Takagi M., Uno M., Nishii R., Sugimoto M., Hasegawa S., Piao J., Ihara N., Kanai S., Kakei S., Tamura Y., Suganami T., Kamei Y., Shimizu T., Yasuda A., Ogawa Y., and Mizutani S. ATM regulates adipocyte differentiation and contributes to glucose homeostasis. Cell Rep. 10. 957-967. 2015

三河隆太、杉本昌隆 がん抑制タンパク質p53による新たな細胞死誘導機構 実験医学 Vol. 33 No. 14, 2255-2257, 2015

杉本昌隆 組織修復過程における細胞老化の役割 実験医学Vol. 33 No. 8, 1284-1285, 2015


Hashimoto M, Tsugawa T, Kawagishi H, Asai A, Sugimoto M. Loss of HuR leads to senescence-like cytokine induction in rodent fibroblasts by activating NF-κB. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1840. 3079-3087. 2014

杉本昌隆 若返りは可能か? 実験医学 Vol. 32 No. 14, 2248-2249, 2014


Kawagishi, H., Hashimoto, M., Nakamura, H., Tsugawa, T., Watanabe, A., Kontoyiannis, D. L., and Sugimoto, M. HuR maintains replicative lifespan by suppressing ARF tumor suppressor. Mol. Cell. Biol. 33. 1886-1900. 2013.  (Featured article)  

Takagi, M., Piao, J., Kawaguchi, H., Imai, C., Ogawa, A., Watanabe, A., Akiyama, K., Kobayashi, C., Mori, M., Ko, K., Sugimoto, M., and Mizutani, S. Autoimmunity and persistent RAS-mutated clones long after the spontaneous repression of JMML. Leukamia 27. 1926-1928 2013

Unno, J., Takagi, M., Piao, J., Sugimoto, M., Honda, F., Maeda, D., Masutani, M., Kiyono, T., Watanabe, F., Morio, T., Teraoka, H., and Mizutani, S. Artemis-dependent DNA double strand break formation at stalled replication forks. Cancer Science 104. 703-710. 2013


Nakamura, H., Kawagishi, H., Watanabe, A., Sugimoto, K., Maruyama, M., and Sugimoto, M. Cooperative role of RNA-binding proteins, Hzf and HuR in p53 activation. Mol. Cell. Biol. 31, 1997-2009, 2011


Kawagishi, H., Nakamura, H., Maruyama, M., Mizutani, S., Sugimoto, K., Takagi, M., and Sugimoto, M. ARF suppresses tumor angiogenesis through translational control of VEGFA mRNA. Cancer Res.70, 4749-4758, 2010

Nakamura, H., Azusa, A., Maruyama, M., and Sugimoto, M Production of Rat Monoclonal Antibodies Against RNA-binding Protein, Hzf.  Hybridoma 29, 7-11, 2010

川岸裕幸、丸山光生、高木正稔、杉本昌隆 癌抑制・細胞老化因子ARFが引き起こす血管新生抑制及び疾患との関わり 基礎老化研究 34, 19-21, 2010


Wakoh, T., Uekawa, N., Terauchi, K., Sugimoto, M., Ishigami, A., Shimada, J., and Maruyama, M.  Implication of p53-dependent cellular senescence related gene, TARSH in tumor suppression.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 380, 807-812, 2009

Wakoh, T., Sugimoto, M., Terauchi, K., Shimada, J., and Maruyama, M.  A novel p53-dependent apoptosis function of TARSH in tumor development.  Nagoya J. Med. Sci. 71, 109-114, 2009


Kawagishi, H., Wakoh, T., Uno, H., ...Moriya, A., Morikawa, S., Okano, H., Sherr, C.J., Takagi, M., and Sugimoto, M.  Hzf regulates adipogenesis through translational control of C/EBPalpha.  EMBO J. 27, 1481-1490, 2008. (Featured in Cell 133, 557, 2008)


Uekawa, N., Nishioka T., Terauchi, K., Ohta, S., Sugimoto, M., Shimada, J., and Maruyama, M. Generation and characterization of novel monoclonal antibodies against murine and human TARSH proteins. Hybridoma 26, 381-386, 2007


Sugimoto, M., Gromley, A., and Sherr, C.J.  Hzf, a p53-responsive gene, regulates maintenance of the G2 phase checkpoint induced by DNA damage. Mol. Cell. Biol. 26, 502-512, 2006

Murata, Y., Wakoh, T., Uekawa, N., Sugimoto, M., Miyazaki, T., and Maruyama, M. Death-associated protein 3 regulates cellular senescence through oxidative stress response.  FEBS lett. 580, 6093-6099, 2006

杉本昌隆、丸山光生 細胞老化の分子機構と生体内における役割 基礎老化研究 30, 5-10, 2006

杉本昌隆、高橋暁子、原 英二 細胞老化による癌抑制 蛋白質核酸酵素 51, 10-17, 2006


Charles,J.S., Bertwistle,D., den Besten,W., Kuo,M.L., Sugimoto,M., Tago,K., Williams,R.T., Zindy,F., and Roussel,M.F.  p53-dependent and -independent function of the Arf Tumor Suppressor.  Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, Molecular Approaches to Controlling Cancer, 70, 129-137, 2005

Bertwistle,D.*, Sugimoto,M.*, and Sherr,C.J.  Physical and functional interaction of the Arf tumor suppressor protein and Nucleophosmin/B23.  Mol. Cell. Biol. 24, 985-996, 2004 *Co-first author

Sugimoto,M., Kuo,M.L., Roussel,M.F., and Sherr,C.J.  Nucleolar Arf tumor suppressor inhibits ribosomal RNA processing. Mol. Cell 11, 415-424, 2003

Sugimoto,M., Martin,N., Wilks,D.P., Tamai,K., Huot,T.J., Pantoja,C., Okumura,K., Serrano,M., and Hara,E.  Activation of cyclin D1-kinase in murine fibroblasts lacking both p21(Cip1) and p27(Kp1).  Oncogene 21, 8067-8074, 2002

Ohtani,N., Zebedee,Z., Huot,T.J., Stinson,J.A., Sugimoto,M., Ohashi,Y., Sharrocks,A.D., Peters,G., and Hara,E.  Opposing effects of Ets and Id proteins on p16INK4a expression during cellular senescence.  Nature 409, 1067-1070, 2001

Sugimoto,M., Nakamura,T., Ohtani,N., Hampson,L., Hampson,I.N., Shimamoto,A., Furuichi,Y., Okumura,K., Niwa,S., Taya,Y., and Hara,E.  Regulation of CDK4 activity by a novel CDK4-binding protein, p34(SEI-1). Genes Dev. 13, 3027-3033, 1999

Kotani,E., Sugimoto,M., Kamata,H., Fujii,N., Saitoh,M., Usuki,S., Kubo,T., Song,K., Miyazaki,M., Murakami,K., and Miyazaki,H.  Biological roles of angiotensin II via its type 2 receptor during rat follicle atresia. Am. J. Physiol 276, E25-E33, 1999

Tamura,Y., Sugimoto,M., Ohnishi,K., Sakai,T., and Hara,E.  Differential activity of a variant form of the human Id-1 protein generated by alternative splicing. FEBS Lett. 436, 169-173, 1998

Usuki,S., Kobayashi,S., Sugimoto,M., Kotani,E., Otani,S., Kubo,T., Ishii,T., Murakami,K., and Miyazaki,H.  Effects of follicle-stimulating hormone on endothelin receptors in cultured rat ovarian granulosa cells. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 31 Suppl 1, S225-S229, 1998

Tanaka,M., Ohnishi,J., Ozawa,Y., Sugimoto,M., Usuki,S., Naruse,M., Murakami,K., and Miyazaki,H.  Characterization of the AT2 receptor on rat ovarian granulosa cells.  Adv Exp Med Biol. 396, 175-82, 1996

Tanaka,M., Ohnishi,J., Ozawa,Y., Sugimoto,M., Usuki,S., Naruse,M., Murakami,K., and Miyazaki,H. Characterization of angiotensin II receptor type 2 during differentiation and apoptosis of rat ovarian cultured granulosa cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 207, 593-598, 1995

杉本昌隆、原 英二 p16INK4aとp19ARF – RB-pathway と p53-pathway の接点 実験医学 Vol. 17 No. 5(増刊), 608-613, 1999

原 英二、杉本昌隆 細胞周期と細胞老化 実験医学 Vol. 16 No. 18(増刊), 2300-2307, 1998