
Our group is always looking for motivated, exceptional undergraduate, graduate students, and postdoctoral associates. If you are interested in modeling Quantum Materials and Quantum Computing,  please contact Dr. Chowdhury (sugata.chowdhury@howard.edu) with your CV.

Postdoctoral Positions:

 Currently, we don't have any openings for Postdoctoral positions.

Ph.D. Positions: 

Currently, we don’t have any openings for Ph.D. position. 

Undergraduate Research:

Undergraduate research positions are always open in our group.  Undergraduate research students are very productive and actively participate in publishing peer-review papers in respected international journals.  Highly motivated students with a GPA of more than 3.5 and interested in quantum materials research, please contact Dr. Chowdhury (sugata.chowdhury@howard.edu) with your latest CV and research goal.