Research Projects

Quantum Cryptography

It is interesting to study different possible cryptographic tasks within the quantum information processing paradigm from both theoretical and practical sides. Building new protocols for such an environment is really an interesting and challenging task.

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)

As QKD is the most famous practical application of quantum cryptography so far, then studying and analyzing various quantum and classical tasks involved in the design and implementation of such a protocol is very crucial to ensure achieving the (physically-based) proposed “unconditionally secure” system. Beside their security, the efficiency of each of these building blocks is indeed a major issue of concern for practical implementations.

QKD Networks

In addition to stand-alone point-to-point systems, QKD can be integrated within communication networks at the physical layer, and with key-management infrastructures. This significantly facilitates applications in the environments of "QKD networks". However, this requires a more collaborated scientific research among specialists from several fields. In particular, this research activity has to bring together theoretical and experimental physicists, computer scientists and electrical engineers, and communications and information security specialists.

Network Security

A way from quantum information technology, we still need to address several daily- life security issues related to the Internet and other types of computer networks. Firewalls, IDSs, IPSec, secure transactions, Smart Cards, and security of e-commerce and e-government are just a few to name of such concerns.

Mobile and Wireless Networks

There are different challenges when considering MANETs, WSNs, and other related technologies. Mobility, open access, and restricted resources are some of these challenges. Proper modeling and simulation practice could be very useful in studying various consequences of possible combinations of these issues.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a new paradigm of computing which involves the delivery of computing as a service rather than a product, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices as a utility (like the electricity grid) over a network (typically the Internet). Security and trust issues are are of crucial importance in such paradigm.

Enhancement of QoE and QoS

In this project, we are interested in the enhancement of QoE and QoS for national ISPs in response to new user demand of social networking.

Building National Open Cybersecurity Testbed

Academic institutions are facing with the difficult challenge of providing lab infrastructures that meet the increasingly growing needs of cybersecurity training. In this project, we consider the necessity and importance of building an effective national testbed for cybersecurity experimentation. We also explore possible architectures for this testbed.
