Conferences and Workshops

Membership of Committees in Conferences and Workshops (Sample):

  • TPC member of the International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT), 20-21 December 2020, University of Bahrain, Bahrain.

  • TPC member of the International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application (DASA 2020), 8th – 9th November 2020, University of Bahrain, Bahrain.

  • TPC member of the International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems Telecommunications (ITST) Series (2012- 2018).

  • TPC member of the International Conference on Computer Applications & Information Security (ICCAIS) Series, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (2018- 2021)

  • TPC member of the 21st National Computer Conference (NCC’2018), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, April 25-26, 2018.

  • TPC member of the International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications (VEHICULAR) Series (2018 – 2020).

  • TPC member of the 1st Conference on Internet of Things and Embedded Intelligence (CITEI 2020), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 29-30 July 2020.

  • Member of the International Advisory Board (senior Program Committee): The First International Conference on Agriculture and IT/IoT/ICT (ICAIT2019), 18th – 20th, October 2019, Wuhan, Hubei, China.

  • Member of the Advisory Committee for Computer Science/Information Technologies, I-manager’s International Conference on Engineering and Technologies (IICET 2015), Trivandrum, Kerala, India, 10-11 April 2015.

  • TPC Member of 2015 Global Summit on Computer & Information Technology (GSCIT' 2015), 11-13 June, in Sousse, Tunisia.

  • TPC member of the 6th International Conference on Developments in e-Systems Engineering (DeSE2013), Abu Dhabi, UAE, 16-18 Dec. 2013.

  • TPC member of the 2nd International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo (ICCVE 2013), Dec. 2-6, 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

  • TPC member of the 13th International Conference Intelligent Transportation Systems Telecommunications (ITST-2013), Tampere, Finland, October 16-18, 2013.

  • TPC member of the 4th IIAI International Conference on e-Services and Knowledge Management (ESKM2013), August 31 - September 4, 2013, Kunibiki Messe, Matsue, Japan.

  • TPC Member of The 1st International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo (ICCVE 2012), China National Convention Center, Beijing, China, December 12-16, 2012.

  • TPC Member of the 12th International Conference on Telecommunications for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITST 2012), Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 5-8, 2012.

  • Member of the Technical Program Committee of the 3rd IIAI International Conference on e-Services and Knowledge Management (IIAI ESKM 2012), September 20-22, 2012, Fukuoka, Japan.

  • TPC Member of Fifth International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE 2012), ROMANIA, 5th - 7th September, 2012.

  • Member of Technical Committee, International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT), 2007-2012.

  • Member of TPC, First International Conference on Future Communication Networks (ICFCN ’2012), Baghdad, Iraq, April 2012.

  • Member of the Steering Committee of The 1st Workshop of Arab IT Experts, FARC, Damascus, Syria, 5-8 April 2005.

  • Member of the Organization Committee of The 3rd National Conference on Computer, Communication, Control, and Systems Engineering (CCCSE), Baghdad, 18-19 December, 2002.