Want to Know More?

About Print Culture

Chapman, Mary and Victoria Lamont. “American Woman’s Suffrage Print Culture.” The Oxford History of Popular Print

Culture. Ed. Christine Bold. Oxford University Press, 2011.


Harris, Micheal H. “Historians Assess the Impact of Print on the Course of American History; The Revolution as a Test

Case.” Library Trends. University of Kentucky Press, 1973.

Latham, Sean and Robert Scholes. “The Rise of Periodical Studies.” Modern Language Association 121.2 (2006): 517-


Lutes, Jean Marie. “Beyond the Bounds of the Book: Periodical Studies and Women Writers of the Late Nineteenth and

Early Twentieth Centuries.” Legacy 27.2 (2010): 336–56.

Parkinson, Robert G. “Print, the Press, and the American Revolution.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia. Oxford University

Press, 2015.


About Primary Source Documents

Adams, Samuel. “To the Printers” Boston Gazette 10 December 1770: 325.


Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. “The Fifteenth Amendment: The Tables Turned.” Revolution 29 July 1869: 56.
