Typography Basics

There are loads of brilliant websites and YouTube videos that can give you an introduction to the concepts of typography. It is well worth watching and reading a few before you start typographic exercises so that you have a better understanding of how to use type well. Here are a collection of some of my favourites. When you have some time, you should watch them all.

Task 1: What is Typography?

This website is fantastic as an introduction to typography for graphic design. Read through it all and watch the video below before answering the questions.


  1. What is the difference between Serif and Sans Serif fonts?

  2. When might you choose to use 'display fonts'?

  3. List 3 fonts that you should avoid using and give one reason why.

  4. Explain what the following terms mean when refering to fonts: Heirachy, leading, kearning, tracking.

Task 2: Typography Basics Videos

Sit back and enjoy these videos which give great explanations for the many typography key terms. Try and watch them all. At the end of each one, write down three things you can remember.

Task 3: Learning how to kern correctly

When it comes to getting the littlest of details right, a professional graphic design will learn how to kern correctly. Read through this website to learn the top 10 tips for kerning type. Afterwards, test your new knowledge using this fun kerning game.

Other useful web resrouces: