Mood and Meaning

During these tutorials you will be start to focus on each part of the definition for typography and undertake a couple of practical activities. Here is the lesson presentation to accompany these activities. Aim to complete all tutorials within 100 minutes.

Credit to David Block from the Facebook group Digital Media and Design Art Teachers for the lesson idea.

Fonts have feelings too

The purpose of this assignment is to show how your font choices can speak louder than the words they create. Fonts play a part in just about every aspect of design. You will learn about selecting the right font for the message. Using this set of 15 words, find fonts that represent the look or idea of each word. Don't just put them on the page, design the look of the page. Make it attractive, and try to use Hierarchy to guide your audience's eye around the composition.

Step 1: Review each word. Using Photopea, scroll through the list of fonts and find ones that represent the mood or meaning of the word.

Step 2: Save as a JPEG and go back to Google classroom to turn in.

Words to use:

  • Simple

  • Modern

  • Classic

  • Bold

  • Western

  • Thin

  • Small

  • Luxury

  • Fun

  • Wacky

  • Round

  • Weird

  • Straight

  • Curved

  • Wide

  • Handwritten

  • Silly

  • Wide

Tips: Design the page, don’t just place words randomly. Use different font sizes, weights, colors and placement. Think about making the whole page visually appealing.


Below are some examples of the typographic image you will create following this assignment:

Credit to Dana Earl Tritsch from the Facebook group Digital Media and Design Art Teachers for the lesson idea.

Lyrical Typography

Using your favourite song lyrics, create a poster that displays them in a creative way. Focus on the words and their meaning and choose your fonts carefully. Using only the words in the lyrics to create the poster, ensure you carefully place them to ensure readability whilst being creative.


Below are some examples of the typographic posters you will create following this assignment:

Credit to Christopher David South from the Facebook group Digital Media and Design Art Teachers for the lesson idea.

Quote Posters

Using your favourite inspirational quote, create a poster that displays it in a creative way. Focus on the words and their meaning and choose your fonts carefully. Use hierarchy, leading, kerning, typefaces to add meaning, positioning the words carefully to ensure readability whilst being creative.

When you have finished, print them out on A3 and give a copy to your teachers to hang all around the school.

Random Quote Generator


Below are some examples of the typographic posters you will create following this assignment:

Credit goes to for the lesson idea.

Say Your Name

During this assignment you will learn how to design a vertical alignment of the letters in your name. You will use a square of black or white for each letter. You will choose fonts that represent who you are and say something about your personality.

  • Create a vertical alignment of squares using Photopea. Download and then open this .PSD file of black and white squares into Photopea to get you started:

  • Place each letter of your name in a separate square. Black letters on white squares and white letters on black squares. Use a variety of typefaces, rotate, scale and crop them to fit the square. Duplicate more squares if you need to (select a square with the pointer tool - layer - duplicate layer).

  • Once you have completed your name, crop the entire image to just fit around your squares.

  • Save your final name creation as a JPEG.


Below are examples of the type of graphic image you will be able to create following this tutorial:

Credit to the Design Dojo website for the lesson idea.


Create a monogram of your own initials that conveys a sense of your own personality.

Follow the tutorial on this website. There are loads of really good examples and links on there. So read carefully.