Typographic Logo Trends

Modern trends for logo design place huge importance on the use of text. In these tutorials you will be introduced to the most current logo design trends using text and practice creating some of your own.

Read this article which will talk you through the top 10 logo design trends for 2020. Then work your way through the tutorials below to learn how to create them.

If you are creating a Masthead for a magazine front cover, some of these ideas would definitely work to evidence creativity and imagination (both things required at distinction level).

Text Destruction

  1. Type into Google 'random word generator'. Whatever word you are given you need to create a logo whereby you 'destroy' the text. There are lots of ways you can do this.

  2. Watch the following video which shows you a couple of tools you can use to 'destroy' your text using Photopea.

  3. Complete steps 1 and 2 until you have a range of different logos using the text destruction technique.


Look back at this article. There are lots of good examples of this technique for you to get inspiration from. Have a look below at some example logo designs you can create using this technique:

Chaotic Arrangement of letters

  1. Type into Google 'random word generator'. Whatever word you are given you need to create a logo whereby you will create a 'chaotic arrangement of the letters'. There are lots of ways you can do this.

  2. Watch the following video which shows you a couple of tools you can use to 'chaotically arrange the letters' using Photopea.

  3. Complete steps 1 and 2 until you have a range of different chaotic logos.


Look back at this article. There are lots of good examples of this technique for you to get inspiration from. Have a look below at some example logo designs you can create using this technique:


  1. Type into Google 'random word generator'. Whatever word you are given you need to create a logo whereby you use gradients to colour the text. There are lots of ways you can do this.

  2. Watch the following video which shows you a couple of tools you can use to create 'gradient text' using Photopea.

  3. Complete steps 1 and 2 until you have a range of different logos using the gradient technique.


Look back at this article. There are lots of good examples of this technique for you to get inspiration from. Have a look below at some example logo designs you can create using this technique:

Extension Task

In the first 3 tutorials above, you were led through how to create certain text effects using Photopea by following my video instructions. What I want you to do now is read through this article again and attempt to create some of the following logo techniques through trial and error practice using Photopea:

  • Unusual Fonts

  • Original Geometry/Geometric Letters

  • Scaling

  • Cluttered Design

I really look forward to seeing what you manage to create on your own!

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