Interleaving and layering

edit to Amber Fox of the Facebook group High School Photography Educators for the lesson idea and WAGOLL images.

Interleaving Type: Raster Mask

Durng this lesson you will learn how to interleave text with the background image. This is a very effective typographic technique that looks great and is super easy to do.

  1. Watch the videos below. The first one shows you how to do this technique using your phone and the Snapseed app. The second one shows you how to do this technique using Photopea.

  2. Use the images below, or find some of your own (try and use copyright free ones from websites such as Pixabay).

Using Snapseed
Using Photopea


Below is an example of the photograph you will create following this lesson:



You can use my images below to practice on, or find one of your own.

Credit for this assignment goes to @wemakebhs Instagram page showcasing the work of the graphic design students studying at Barrington High School.

Instagram Tryptich

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest etc make effective use of small scale adverts. These little adverts use many of the image editing and typography skills you have learnt by following my tutorials. In this tutorial you will combine the skills and techniques you have learnt together into one final piece.

  1. Read this article which explains how to take diptych photographs. The same ideas can be applied to a tryptich. This task will introduce you to the ideas of narrative, sequencing, showing time pass, comparing/contrasting and so on. When you are thinking about what to create, try and “say something with two/three images that you’d be unable to say with just one.”

  2. Scroll to the bottom of this page and look at the WAGOLL examples of this task to fully understand what you are being asked to do. You are going to create an Instagram Triptich. A triptich are three seperate images that work together into a finished piece.

  3. You are going to create an Instagram Tryptich to promote an event, brand or company. So the first thing you need to do is decide on what it is you are going to promote. Write down the key pieces of text that will be included across the three images. For example, the name of the event, date, keywords.

  4. You are ready to generate some initial ideas. Create a variety of thumbnail sketches showing differnet ways the images could be designed.

  5. Choose one of your thumbnail ideas that you like the best and create a more detailed larger sketch. On this sketch you should indicate clearly what the text will say and what type of images you will need.

  6. Now either find the images you need off the Internet (try and use copyright free sources such as Pixabay) or take the photographs yourself (you get more credit for taking your own photographs).

  7. Choose the fonts you need from either the font list in Photopea or download some from free font sharing websites such as DaFont. Remember to choose '100% free'.

  8. Go back to your sketch and state some of the finer details such as the exact font names and the images you have found. Looking at your images you can start to make choices about the colour of your text so it contrasts with the background image. You should also now explain some of your design decisions such as how the fonts, images, colours and text work together to generate meaning and illicit feelings.

  9. Finally, you can open up Photopea and create your Instagram Tryptich.


Below are some examples of this task completed. Pay attention to how the three images work together to create a finished piece.