Choosing Fonts/Font Pairing

Task 1 - How to Download Fonts

Software that allows you type will have a list of fonts for you to use. Photopea for example, has a wide variety of fonts. Probably more than you would realistically need. However, do they have the exact font you are looking for to complete your design project? If not, there are lots of websites that list a variety of interesting fonts that are free to download and use. In this lesson you will learn how search for, select and download fonts and practice using them. You will create a simple poster that showcases the fonts you have found and downloaded.

  1. Read this article and this article which lists a variety of download fonts. Pay particular attention to the designs that were created using the fonts as you will be creating one of these yourself.

  2. Along with the articles above, explore this free font download website, and this one, and this one. Find a small selection of fonts that you really like that elicit a certain emotion or generate a specific meaning e.g. happiness, summertime, vintage, mature, modern, young etc

  3. Download the fonts to your device.

  4. Watch this video which explains how to do this (this is for the website Da Font, but the exact same principles apply for all the download font websites). Then use them to create a font poster.

5. Upload your completed posters to Google classroom and in the comments section explain what emotions and meanings the font you have chosen generates.


Below are some of the font posters you can create following this tutorial:

Task 2 - Font Pairing

One of the key skills of typography is knowing how to pair different font styles together. In the first task you found a single font that you liked. But in reality, many media products require the combination of two or more fonts (never usually more than 3 though). Being able to choose a couple of fonts that work really well together is a real skill that you will develop as a designer.

  1. Read this website which lists some top tips for pairing fonts together with examples to show you the difference.

  2. Then have a look at this website that has done the hard work for you and found some font pairs that work great together. Look closely at the posters that have been created using the fonts. You are going to create one of these.

  3. Then go to a font download website such as Dafont and practice finding two fonts that work together. Keep referring back to the tips in this website to make sure you choose the right ones.

  4. Finally, create a poster that uses your two chosen fonts. Use the random sentence generator to generate the text for your poster. Find an image on to use as the background. You will have to decide on the heading yourself.

  5. Upload your completed poster to Google classroom. In the comments section state what fonts you have used and where you found them.


Below is an example of a poster you will be able to create:

Heading: Luna/Body copy: Roboto