Vertical and Horizontal Patterns

Credit goes to Amber Fox of the Facebook group High School Photography Educators for the lesson idea, resources and WAGOLL images.

Vertical vs Horizontal

For this assignment I want you to photograph utensils from your kitchen, with a variety of backdrops and shoot that same utensil, both vertically and horizontally. You will do this with 8-10 different kitchen tools and create a big collage with your side by side comparisons.

  1. Watch this YouTube video to learn more about horizontal and vertical photography:

2. Read through this presentation and look at all the great examples.

3. When you are taking the pictures, try to take really nice pictures. Just don't stick a fork on the counter in front of your camera. Look for shadows, play with light, consider your background. Use the composition tools you have learned: rule of thirds, filling your frame, line, shape, form, framing, texture and take advantage of that blurry background effect with Portrait mode or use the Focos app.

4. Edit your photographs using Snapseed. You can make them black and white or make the colours pop out. Top tip: wait till you have collaged them all together and then edit the collage to speed up editing all ten photographs at once.

5. Create a collage of your 10 best horizontal shots and ANOTHER collage of your 10 best vertical shots.

6. Go back to Google classroom and turn in your two collages.


Below is an example of the collage of photographs you will create following this lesson:

Patterns & Breaking the Patterns

A repeating pattern in a photograph can have the same impact as rhythm in music. There are two general rules to think about when you come across a pattern. Emphasize it or Break it.

Filling the frame with a pattern can create the impression of large numbers and is visually pleasing like an unbroken rhythm can be soothing. Breaking a pattern is extremely effective at refocussing the subject on only the element that goes against the pattern. Both ideas have strong metaphorical implications in an image.

  1. Watch this YouTube video. It is the same one you watched in the lesson above:

2. For this challenge I want you to find patterns and photograph them.

  • Find a repeating pattern. Frame the scene so the pattern dominates the frame and any distracting elements are removed. This could be a close up of small patterns or an entire skyline. All that matters is that a strong pattern is your focal point. ​

  • Make several images and crop if necessary. Find two more areas with pattern and move your feet and camera, until the frame is completely consumed by the pattern.

  • Pick out your favorite four and put on a storyboard.

3. Then I want you to photograph patterns that are broken.

  • Find a repeated pattern. Examples to look for could include: Shadows from a lattice, Rows of crops, Lines of people, Piles of the same object, etc. ​

  • Scan for potential breaks in the repetition such as a unique color within the continuity, or a sudden change in direction, or a single object that stands out in the repetition. ​

  • If you see an opportunity, explore different viewpoints that will maximize the focus on the object that will break the pattern. ​

  • Capture a bunch of different scenes that show a break in the pattern and present your four favorite on a collage.

What you are turning in:

  • One collage of 4 that illustrate pattern

  • One collage of 4 that illustrate breaking the pattern


Below is an example of the collage of photographs you will create following this lesson:

Superman Editing Photo

For today's editing challenge you are going to follow the tutorial and create yourself as your very own Superman or Superwoman!

  1. Watch the following YouTube video to see how to do this:

2. Take a photograph of yourself. You can prop your phone up and turn on the delay to allow you to run in front before the shot is taken. Or, you could simply ask someone else to take the photograph.

3. Edit yourself as 'Superman/Superwoman' and go back to Google classroom and turn in your image.