Shadows and Silhouettes

Credit goes to Amber Fox of the Facebook group High School Photography Educators for the lesson idea, resources and WAGOLL images.


  • First, watch this fun video:

View in full screen mode by clicking on the icon on the bottom right of the YouTube video.
View in full screen mode by clicking on the icon on the bottom right of the YouTube video.
  • Have a look at the Google images the fantastic work of Aaron Siskand and some shadow boards on Pinterest.

  • Take at least 10 pictures of shadows that illustrate repetition, pattern or interesting shapes.

  • In Snapseed convert to a high contrast black and white picture

  • Create a collage of your four favorite edited pictures.

  • Turn in your assignment onto Google classroom.


Below are examples of the collage of photographs you will create following this lesson:

Shadow Art

For this assignment you are going to make shadow puppet art. The interesting thing about this project is that it is solely up to the photographer to capture the moment of the objects being cast onto the wall in shadow form.

View in full screen mode by clicking on the icon on the bottom right of the YouTube video.
  • You will need a piece of paper or a cardboard box to cut up into shapes. You will also need a strong lamp or flashlight that you will use to project light onto your strong shaped item to create a shadow on the wall.

  • Take as many photos as you need to get one amazing shot!

  • Go back to Google classroom and turn in your very best edited shot.


  • Below are examples of the collage of photographs you will create following this lesson:


Silhouette photos are incredibly powerful and eye-catching, and it’s surprisingly easy to capture these images with the iPhone. Silhouettes add drama, mystery and interest to an image, emphasizing the shape of the subject and creating strong focal points in the composition. In this tutorial you’ll discover all you need to know about how to take stunning silhouette photos with your phone.

Step 1: Watch this video: Silhouette Photo Tutorial: 7 Tips for Success:

View in full screen mode by clicking on the icon on the bottom right of the YouTube video.
  • Step 2: Read through this tutorial.

  • Step 3: Take some sillouette photographs. Tip: the light is much better near the end of the day.

  • Step 4: Edit your silhouettes using your phone or Snapseed.

  • Step 5: Go back to Google classroom and turn in your 4 best pictures.


  • Below are examples of the collage of photographs you will create following this lesson: