Self Portraits

Credit goes to Amber Fox of the Facebook group High School Photography Educators for the lesson idea, resources and WAGOLL images.

Day 24: Last day! I gave my students a few final projects to end out the year. Many of you did this at the end of last semester. The project is fun, and 100% a MUST for your students. They get SO into it and it's a super fun project to do. You will laugh out loud and cry at how good the results are for this project. I also encouraged my students to use apps to paint over their image if they were mimicking a painting, so it had a painterly effect. I put ideas in the comments. #cellphonecurriculum

This is also someone's slideshow that I didn't make. I can't find the original author, but THANK YOU FOR MAKING IT! You can also find other Google Slideshows of this same assignment here in the group. And LOADS OF STUDENT EXAMPLES.

For our final project, we are going to do something fun that has gone viral! Are you up for the challenge? #gettychallenge

* Pick a Famous Artwork (be prepared to say why you picked this artwork)

* Utilize 3 or more items around your house as props

* Recreate the chosen work and there should be a person in the photo (you can be in the photo but don't have to be; it can be of someone else, but THERE HAS TO BE A PERSON IN THE PHOTO)

* Photograph it & EDIT


* Create a diptych (collage of 2 photos side by side)

-Left side: the original artwork

-Right side: the photo of your recreation

*In the comments you must provide the name of the original artwork, the artist’s name who created it, what year it was created, what medium (oil paint, acrylic, graphite, photography, etc) it was created with, and WHY you chose this artwork

Look up #gettychallenge for inspiration on Instagram.

Surrealistic Selfie

A portrait is a way to depict personalities in artwork. It can be one person, or many or it can be yourself which is what we are going to focus on today. A Self Portrait is all about YOU. You will create a Surrealistic Self Portrait using your mobile phone and a variety of free apps. But really this is a collage and double exposure meeting on a photo.

Surrealism is an art movement that is taking things that you recognize and changing them to make them different. It is taking reality and turning it sideways. The images will be very dreamlike.

Make sure that your image is created at a specific spot that "tells" about who you are as a person- your home, your room, your favorite place to go to, etc. The only “rule” is that you have to use yourself…other than that; have fun and experiment! You can merge two photos, you can duplicate your layer and remove parts of a photo…you can add filters/change colors…this is up to you.

And remember to use the self timer when taking your selfie, so it's in focus and better composed. Put your camera on a ledge so it sits still and choose the reverse camera option.

Here are some other apps to try but you are not limited to these. If you don’t have the data or don’t want to download them you don’t have to, but the key is to be creative. Some are android and some are iphone, they should all be free, I did not pay for any of these.

Use your built in Camera App for taking pictures and the following apps to edit:







Fotor Photo Blender

Sktchy Fusion

PhotoChop Aviary

ALT Photo Photo Director

Photo Editor

Photo Lab

Please check out the Youtube tutorials I put in the additional resources and here and look at the student examples.

Something to keep in mind is to crop out the logo of the app you used. AND also I strongly encourage you to use borders, press buttons to see the power of the app and PLAY. You can also add text if you want. I love Word Swag to add text to my photos, but there are so many apps to choose from. Remember, this is essentially a collage meets double exposure.