Flat Lay and Ad Campaign

Credit goes to Amber Fox, Caroline Hunt Epp and Chase Itter of the Facebook group High School Photography Educators for the lesson idea, resources and WAGOLL images.

Animate a Part of your Photograph

For this assignment you will learn how to create a animated GIF using just your phone.

  1. You can use a photo you already took. Look for beach shots with waves that you can animate. Or waterfalls, rivers or lakes. You can also use trees in the background that can move. Or the fur on your dog or cat.

  2. If you can't find your own photograph you can explore the app called Unsplash or Pixaby for stock images. Type in "water" and you will find a bunch of images you can use.

  3. Install the free Pixaloop app onto your phone.

  4. Watch this YouTube video to learn how to animate a part of your image:

5. Try the technique on three different photographs.

6. Go back to Google classroom and turn in your animated GIF.


Animated GIFs are used in marketing of products on social media a lot. Using your three animated GIFs, add text to them to reimagine them as an advertisement. You could advertise the location on the landscape scenes. Dog food on the animated dog hair. Mouth wash on the waterfall scene. Be creative and have a go!

COVID advertisement posters

For this assignment I want you to create an advertisment campaign for behaviors to protect lives from COVID.

  • Hand Washing

  • Social Distancing

  • Wearing a Mask

  • Exercising

  • Focusing on Sleep

  • Drinking Water

  • Eating Healthy Food

  • Managing Stress

Take photos that highlight one of the topics above and using Adobe Spark, Word Swag or Canva, put text over the image that has some sort of slogan communicating the importance of that activity and how it leads to protection from COVID. Do at least 3 of these.


Below are examples of the advertisements you will be able to create following this lesson:

Flat Lays

This is a really fun, easy and creative assignment. These types of photographs are EVERYWHERE. Once you start looking you wont believe how many different places you will find them. They are used a lot in advertising.

A flat lay is when you stage a shot to tell a little story. These are often the perfect background in an advertisement that you might see on Instagram or magazines for example.

  1. Look through this presentation for tips and examples of how to create a flat lay photograph.

  2. Decide what your want to be in your flat lay. Possible suggestions:

  • Ingredients for a recipe

  • The pieces of a game

  • Craft items

  • Stationary needed to complete an important piece of homework

  1. Find a suitable, interesting background and arrange your items to 'tell a story'.

  2. Ensure you have suitable lighting. Go near a window or even outside.

  3. Photograph from above. Take a few shots and then rearrange the items into a different position. Try and be creative with your arrangements and use all the rules of photography we have learnt to lead the viewers eye naturally around your composition. Make sure you take a few close up, in focus shot of each composition.

  4. Edit the photograph using Snapseed or your phone to make the colours really pop out.

  5. Go back to Google classroom and turn in your favourite edited photographs.


  1. Below are examples of the advertisements you will be able to create following this lesson: