Shutter speed

Credit goes to Amber Fox and Caroline Hudson of the Facebook group High School Photography Educators for the lesson idea, resources and WAGOLL images.

Shutter Speed

  • Learn about shutter speed by reading through this presentation first.

  • Watch these videos to see how you can capture shots using your phone:

  1. Find objects around your house or neighborhood that are moving fast and consistently. Examples include: A fan, water dripping from a faucet, a dog’s tail wagging, cars driving by, etc. If you have a person to photograph, you could have them jump, flip their hair, wave arms, blow bubbles, etc.

  2. Work in a bright space (outside or strong lighting)

  3. Take at least 3 photos of your subject and adjust your shutter speed until you are able to freeze the motion (no blur) or Use Burst Mode and hold down button to trigger burst mode.

  4. Most phones shoot at a high speed in bright lighting, but they don’t use an actual shutter

  5. iPhones & Androids: Shoot in Burst Mode or Slo-Mo; Samsung Pro Mode lets you control Shutter Speed; Many other models also have Pro or Manual modes

  6. Play with changing your lighting, burst mode, and increasing your shutter speed if you can. If you don’t have a pro mode, see last slide in the morning presentation for camera app recommendations

  7. Take a bunch of pictures of different things moving and make a collage of your best 3 shots. Every image you have needs to be edited for color and exposure, so please use Snapseed to make it look super awesome.

  8. Create a collage of your favourite edited shots using your phone or the PicCollage app. Watch these YouTube videos which show you how to do this: Phone collage, PicCollage app.

  9. Go back to Google classroom and turn in your collage.


Below are examples of the collage of photographs you will create following this lesson:

Slow Shutter Speed

Watch this video: Slow Cam App Vid

  1. For slow shutter speed, you are going to get the best results when you shoot in the dark. Work in a dark space like your wardrobe, or your bedroom with all the lights off and curtains closed.

  2. Find objects that light up. Examples : Flashlights, laser pointers, cell phones, kids toys, fairy lights, etc.

  3. If you have a person to photograph, you could have them move in front of the camera or draw with light. If you don't have someone to photograph, then set up your camera on a DIY tripod or rest it on something that doesn't move, and you will move the light while your camera is taking a picture on the self timer.

  4. Take at least 3 photos of your subject and adjust your shutter speed to create motion blur. Make sure your camera is on a tripod or steady surface so that it doesn't move.

  5. Create a collage of your favourite edited shots using your phone or the PicCollage app. Watch these YouTube videos which show you how to do this: Phone collage, PicCollage app.

  6. Go back to Google classroom and turn in your collage.


Below are examples of the collage of photographs you will create following this lesson: