Learning to See

Credit goes to Amber Fox of the Facebook group High School Photography Educators for the lesson idea, resources and WAGOLL images.

In these lessons you will learn how to 'fill the frame' and create a collage of photographs. Most phones have a 'collage' creating function. Or you may choose to download the free PicCollage app.

From mess to success

It is very common when starting to take photographs to take the shot too far away. In this lesson I want you to really think about what it is that you want to take a photograph of and fill the entire frame with your subject.

Step 1: For this challenge, I want you to go into your garden, balcony or take a short walk outside and stay in a small space and find things to photograph. Spend at least 30 minutes photographing an entire area. Force yourself to stay in one space and try to find things to photograph, and I bet there are things you never noticed before. Take at least 50 photographs.

Step 2: When you take the photographs you MUST:

  • Zoom in

  • Fill Your Frame

  • Don't put your subject right in the middle

  • Lock your focus on one thing and try to blur out the background

  • Shoot in both vertical and horizontal format

  • Try different angles

  • Shoot with good lighting (which is why I want you to be outside)

Step 3: Look through all the photographs you have taken and choose your top 6 favourite ones. Using just the editing options on your phone (or Snapseed if you want to), edit the photographs by making some of them black and white and make the colour contrast on others more vivid. Watch the following YouTube video to see how to do this:

Editing using just your phone editors.
Editing using the Snapseed app.

Step 4: Create a collage of your edited photographs. There are few ways you can do this. Your phone may have a 'collage' option and you can use that. Or you can download the PicCollage app (it's free) and use that instead. Watch these YouTube videos which shows you how: Phone collage, PicCollage app:

Create a collage using just your phone.
Create a collage using the PicCollage app.


Below is an example of the collage of photographs you will create following this lesson:


How many faces can you 'see' around your home and garden? Not your family, I'm talking about hidden ones! A door handle, a switch, a leaf...can you see them? Look harder! Maybe they are missing their eyes? In this lesson you are going to create some 'googly eyes' and then stick them to objects to create a face. Watch this video on 'eye bombing':

View in full screen mode by clicking on the icon on the bottom right of the YouTube video.

Step 1: Make your eyes. You will need a thick black pen. Draw your googly eyes and then carefully cut them out. You MUST carefully cut around the black edge to the eyes as this looks more effective. You may have some ready made google eyes in your craft box. You can use those if you have.

Step 2: Walk around your home and garden and really try and 'see' the hidden faces. Carefully stick your 'googly eyes' on the object (make sure the sticky tape is well hidden at the back). Take at least 15 photographs. and remember to fill the frame.

Step 3: Choose your favourite 6 shots and edit them using your mobile phone or Snapseed. Subtly tweak to bring out the colour and contrast.

Step 4: Create a collage of your edited images using your mobile phone or the PicCollage app. Watch these YouTube videos which show you how to do this: Phone collage, PicCollage app

Step 5: Go back to Google classroom and turn in your collage.


Below is an example of the collage of photographs you will create following this lesson: