
Credit goes to Amber Fox of the Facebook group High School Photography Educators for the lesson idea, resources and WAGOLL images.

Getting to Know You

  1. In this first assignment I want you to look around your house and find something that represents who you are. Find something that is super special to you, or an object someone gave to you that has significance in your life.

  2. Now that you have selected the object, I want you to have a little photo shoot with it.

  3. At this point, I know I haven't taught you anything about photography. I want to you to put on your "photography hat" and pretend you have been hired by a company to photograph that thing. You are going to fake being a hot shot photographer.

  4. After you have taken a collection of photographs (at least 15), I want you to choose your best shot and edit it using only the image editing facilities on your phone. Watch this short YouTube video that shows you how to do this.

View in full screen mode by clicking on the icon on the bottom right of the YouTube video.

5. Finally, go back to the Google classroom assignment and insert your edited photograph on to the attached Google Slide. Write a brief comment about your object; why you chose it and what it means to you.


Have a look at the WAGOLL examples below to get a better idea of what I am looking for: