
Gravit is a free web based version of Adobe Illustrator. You can use it to create really cool graphics. You will need to register an account on your first log in. Use your school email address and password. Once registered you can use it both in school and at home.

Gravit is a Vector software. Watch this YouTube video to learn the difference between bitmap and vectors.

Stage 1: Learn skills to use gravit

Lesson 1: Getting Started

  1. Create a new document sized A4

  2. Add a shape, illustration and icon of your choice to the canvas.

  3. Set the background colour of page to a colour of your choice.

  4. Turn on the grid and set it to 100 width by 100 height.

  5. Add a rectangle shape, round the edges, lower the opacity and change the it to a colour of your choice.

  6. Add a selection of effects to the rectangle, for example a drop shadow.

  7. Create another shape using the pen tool.

  8. Write your name using the text tool.

  9. Export your file as a .JPEG

Lesson 2: Colours and Fills

  1. Draw a rectangle and fill the colour with yellow.

  2. Change from a sold colour to a linear colour and set the linear colours to 3 separate colour points.

  3. Reverse the gradient and then rotate it.

  4. Change the direction of the gradient by moving the handles on the object.

  5. Advanced: Use the texture fill option to add an image to the shape.

  6. Practice one more type of fill of your choice.

Lesson 3: Knife Tool

  1. Draw a rectangle shape and then using the knife tool slice it diagonally across the middle. Separate the two pieces using the pointer tool.

  2. Next, slice across the shape in a zig zag pattern.

  3. Draw a circle, star and rectangle, and using the knife tool practice slicing through all shapes in one go.

  4. Using the knife tool and ALT key, practice slicing in curves.

Lesson 4: Pen Tool

The pen tool is notoriously difficult to use perfectly. But with a little practice you can master it. Before you being using the pen tool in Gravit attempt this practice pen tool activities first:

  1. The Bezier Game (A game to help you master the pen tool)

  2. Using the pen tool create a random shape with straight edges.

  3. Using the pen tool create a random shape using curved edges.

  4. Now create a heart shape that has both curved and straight edges.

  5. Finally, create a complex shape of your choice. The only restriction is that it must actually look like a recognisable shape.

Understanding how to use the pen tool.

Stage 2: Apply your skills with creative projects