G Suite for teachers

To support the teachers in my school, I have created a variety of simple tutorials. I create these in response to a teacher asking a specific question. These will be added to as when I am asked for support. The link for the videos is located in the top right of the video.

Top Tips on how to organise your Google Classroom

If you think Google classroom is complicated when you start using it, just imagine how your students and parents feel. There are number of things you can easily do in Google classroom to organise your assignments to support students and parents in accessing the tasks more easily. These are kind of like 'best practice tips'.

How to attach a Google Doc to a Google Classroom assignment

One of the most common mistakes by teachers new to using Google Classroom is that they will attach Microsoft files (Word, PPT etc) to the assignment and then wonder why their students are having problems submitting their work. You can use Microsoft files in your assignments but it will make it a lot harder for students to submit their work. Instead, what you MUST do is convert any file you want students to actually type on to a Google Doc, Slides or Sheets first. The video below shows you how to do this for a doc (Google's version of Word), but the same method is used if you want to attach a spreadsheet (Sheets) or a presentation (Slides).

How to deliver a live Google Meet lesson

Delivering a live lesson using Google Meet is very easy. Watch the video below which will explain how to do this:

How to create a video of you talking through a PPT and upload to your Google Classroom assignment

mote - Add verbal feedback on students work

Now that you are teaching remotely you can see this as an opportunity to use the wide array of technological educational tools now available to you as both you and your students are working on devices. These tools have been used by Computing teachers for years, but now you can benefit too! Mote is a Chrome extension that once installed will integrate with Google Classroom and allow you to record short verbal feedback clips directly onto your students work. It is VERY easy to use. Watch this video to find out how :

Padlet - AFL/Critique/Collaboration

Padlet is another website that you can now benefit from using now that you are and your students are using devices. It has been used for years by computing, photography and design teachers to pose questions and share students work. For example, I use it in Media for students to upload their finished designs as photographs and everyone else can see them and like them. I also use it in business lessons to pose questions and students write their answers under them. It is a great collaboration tool. Watch this video which explains how to set it up and use it:

Other useful web resources:

How to view all your students work.

How to collaborate on a single Google Site.

How to manage classroom notifications credit to Claire Buckler of the Facebook group ICT and Computing teachers.