User Interface Workshops

The following tutorials will teach you how to create a graphical user interface using either Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides. Your teacher will let you know which set of tutorials you should watch. Click on the link to access them.

Google Slides Tutorials

Follow the tutorials below to learn the skills to create a graphical user interface using Google Slides. During this lesson you will practice the skills you will need to create a graphical user interface. When you have completed this lesson you will have all the skills you need to create a graphical user interface of your own.

How to create a master slide

It is easy to create a consistent design across all the slides in your user interface if you create a master slide first. A master slide allows you to set the background colours, font styles, font sizes and page layouts. Whenever you add a new slide to your user interface it will already have those attributes set. Not only will this save you time but will also make sure that every aspect of the design is completely consistent across all your slides.

Master Slide Task:

  • Watch the video (or click on this link) below which will show you how to create a custom master slide.

  • Create a master slide either using a blank Google Slides.

  • Once your have created your master slide design you should practice inserting new slides, changing the layout of those slides, adding text and inserting images.

How to create icons and/or buttons

Icons and buttons are a common feature of graphical user interfaces. Users recognise them and understand that they are supposed to click on them to navigate through the user interface. You can actually create some nice icons and buttons using Google Slides.

Icons/buttons Slide Task:

  • Watch the video (or click on this link) below to learn how to create buttons and icons in Google Slides.

  • Practice creating a variety of simple buttons and icons. Play around with changing the background colours and borders.


Below is a good example of the types of buttons and icons you can create using Google Slides:

How to add links between your slides

For your user interface to work you will need to add links to connect your slides together. These links can be added to icons, text, shapes or images. You can only add links to existing slides so this step must be done at the end after you have created the slides.

Linking your slides together task:

  • Watch the video below (or click on this link) to learn how to add links to buttons, icons, text etc.

  • To practice this skill, open up a blank Google Slides and add a few slides. Label these slides 'slide 1', 'slide 2'...etc. You can then practice adding links between them.

Microsoft PowerPoint Tutorials

Follow the tutorials below to learn the skills to create a graphical user interface using Microsoft PowerPoint. During this lesson you will practice the skills you will need to create a graphical user interface. When you have completed this lesson you will have all the skills you need to create a user interface of your own.

How to create a master slide

It is easy to create a consistent design across all the slides in your user interface if your create a master slide first. A master slide allows you to set the background colours, font styles, font sizes and page layouts. Whenever you add a new slide to your user interface it will already have those attributes set. Not only will this save you time but will also make sure that every aspect of the design is completely consistent across all your slides.

Master Slide Task:

  • Watch the video below (or click on this link) which will show you how to create a custom master slide.

  • Open up a blank Microsoft PowerPoint and practice creating a master slide.

  • Once your have created your master slide design you should practice inserting new slides, changing the layout of those slides, adding text and inserting images.

How to create icons and/or buttons

Icons and buttons are a common feature of graphical user interfaces. Users recognise them and understand that they are supposed to click on them to navigate through the user interface. You can actually create some nice icons and buttons using Google Slides.

Icons/buttons Slide Task:

  • Watch the video below (or click on this link) to learn how to create buttons and icons in Microsoft PowerPoint.

  • Open up a blank Microsoft PowerPoint.

  • Practice creating a variety of simple buttons and icons.


Below is a good example of the types of buttons and icons you can create using Google Slides:

How to add links between your slides

For your user interface to work you will need to add links to connect your slides together. These links can be added to icons, text, shapes or images. You can only add links to existing slides so this step must be done at the end after you created the slides.

Linking your slides together task:

  • Watch the video below (or click on this link) to learn how to add hyperlinks to buttons, icons, text etc

  • To practice this skill, open Micosoft PowerPoint or Google Slides and add a few slides. Label these slides 'slide 1', 'slide 2'...etc. You can then practice adding links between them.

Next Steps...

You now have all the skills you need to create a user interface of your own. The next steps is to plan and create one!